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Everything posted by stocks

  1. stocks


    You mean WAS a great name. They too have succumbed to not always staying true to form and have a bunch of stuff I'd have no interest in. The comp set in question I am not referring to and have no experience with, but in general Morel doesn't get a thumbs up across the board IMO. meh. so i'll be the first to say i don't know much about reviewing speakers. but the morels are the nicest i've owned. of course this has a lot to do with a proper deadening job. so anyway, i'm running them off head unit power and they distort at about the same volume the stock speakers did. but i can actually hear vocals! and there's midbass! i'm sure they would be louder and clearer if amped.. but for my listening i am happy. i am unbelievably angry that this ia sale came up days after i bought my speakers though. oh well
  2. stocks


    well, decided to jump on the bandwagon again. i've decided i want some decent entry level comps. i've been looking at morel maximo 6.5s.. anything else around $120 that would suit my needs? wanted to stay right at $100 but unfortunately i saw nothing in the classifieds that would suit my needs
  3. stocks

    Grindin the crack

    thought it was you.. but still.. damn.
  4. stocks


    a little harsh don't you think? they were on sale and unfortunately i missed it by a month. oh well, funds were the issue. the ia components show up on amazon as well i ended up buying the morels simply because i had a budget of about $250 to finish deadening and get come decent components; and they were cheaper. i'll buy a dcon or two to support the ssa community soon
  5. stocks


    thanks man Best advice really. Everyone has different tastes for their front stage.Comparing IA's subwoofers to the Maximos is like comparing apples to oranges, dontcha think? :PSince these speakers aren't that much money, you could always try a set, sell used, take a little loss, and try the others. I'd rather do that and lose a little bit of cash but end up with what sounds better to me.See what local shops carry, ask if they have any of the products installed in their personal rides so you could get a demo. Listening to the wall is better then nothing. if only there were shops in indy that carried decent equipment. there's only one i know of that carries orion and that's about the extent of decent equipment.. i'm gonna dig around a little more. thanks
  6. stocks


    morel is an established name and has been for decades. ia is a great company also, but there are no in depth reviews of either of the speakers. which is why i'm having trouble deciding on either. any one have a third candidate? alright. well looks like.... ia is winning the discussion
  7. stocks


    yup. thanks for the input damnit. now you're changing my mind. the morels are from amazon and i would assume them to be an authorized dealer. plus a warranty. but none of the support ia has on this board. but they're more expensive. so i'm conflicted
  8. stocks


    well looks like everyone has the same opinion on these.. thanks man. makes my decision harder i guess
  9. stocks


    hmm really? they seem to be a little less sensitive, the morels at 90.5db and the incriminators at 88db. i know that's pretty damn comparable, but i may be biased towards the morel name as well..... also, it's $20 shipping for the incriminators. but if they're a better speaker then i will definitely consider them instead.
  10. stocks

    ShiZZZoN's Build Log

    my opinion.. six fifteens.
  11. i took my equipment out of my car to diagnose a problem. while it was out it was stolen. so now i am stuck with factory power. the problem now though is, the factory system had some issues when i bought it. at a little over half volume the sound from the tweeters cuts out when there is a louder sound.. like a yell or.. scream. or just louder singing. head unit? or amp. 03 z4 by the way
  12. yeah everything is run through the amp
  13. bought a 1200d from a CA.com forum member in december 2009. hooked it up to verify that it was working in my buddy's car, but it whined pretty badly. all the cables were properly run. about a month ago i built a box and bought a sub and installed them in my truck. the amp has the same whine it did when i bought it and i also noticed has an "power surge", like there's faulty wiring. and yes, the amp is what is whining. i thought it was just the songs we played to test it but apparently not. i relocated then replaced the power cable replaced the ground and relocated the ground with no change. when playing, it's almost like the bass knob was turned down and at random times turned up to max. well that's not the case because the bass knob that came with the amp does not work either. i've tried running it with and without the knob hooked up and the result ends up the same every time. i switched it to my dad's car and it did the same thing yet again. amp is running at 4 ohms tuned with a multimeter every time. messaged the user and asked if he had that problem before. he stated that when it was cold it did whine a little. i told him it will be a while before i can use it in my application. he said that's fine and let him know when that happened and we would talk then. well i messaged him and he hasn't logged on for five months. what do i do? in multiple applications it did the same thing so even if i didn't have the common sense to run wire i know for a fact the other two vehicles were set up and worked with their systems.
  14. well that's not necessary. all the shit was stolen last night. happy mother's day
  15. bmw z4 grounded to the same ground as the battery. bench tester? i've tried my buddy's dd m3 and it works flawlessly.
  16. pioneer deck with rcas grounded to the frame 4awg wire knu krystal rca 1200d and a rf p2 sub
  17. stocks

    Trans Am Build

    working on the bottoms of the doors after cutting out some rust he will indeed wavy hood more rust spots fixed didn't think new oem skins would need so much work to get them straight.. urethane - plastic prep + primer = oops
  18. stocks

    2009 Malibu *Update*

    4th order
  19. stocks

    93 Fleetwood Caddy build.

    way to avoid the crack about messy pants. looks like this little mishap scared you more than you'll admit i like this build.
  20. stocks

    Trans Am Build

  21. i've been everywhere man and denim.. sorry