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Everything posted by stocks

  1. stocks

    My Dog (Big Pics)

    thanks guys!
  2. stocks

    My Dog (Big Pics)

    photobucket sucks i'm sorry. i'm posting all my pictures though i've decided she has the eyes of a shark, the legs of a horse and the skin of a fruit bat. looks like the cloverfield monster when she plays and runs because of her broad chest long story short is she's goofy but i love her
  3. stocks

    My Dog (Big Pics)

    thank you. believe me, i'm happy also
  4. stocks

    12" BTL older dual mag

    in case you were wondering.. that is bad ass
  5. stocks

    LP670-4 in for stereo upgrade

    you really don't need a radar detector with a car like that.. lambos are faster than cop cars.. why are you all bitching about a radar detector? it's definitely your car, let the owner do what he wants
  6. stocks

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    hahahaha ahahahahahaha bahahaha! fial. finish this or i'm coming to impound the truck and equipment. and i'll make you pay for my plane ticket there and gas back
  7. stocks

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    busy doing homework? clean the truck? you had to wax the dog? uhhhhmmm dog ate your camera? you're running out of excuses..
  8. stocks

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    you have me rollin man haha. don't get too friendly with the pole vents after all these pictures..
  9. alright thanks so much ku40. this site is always so much more helpful than ca
  10. box dimensions 38 * 13 * 15.98= 7894.12 in³ = 4.56835 ft³ tuned to 32hz Bracing with 1 in dowel rod up/down r=.5 h=15.95 3.142 * .25 * 15.94 = 12.5 in³ = 0.007233 ft³ front/back r=.5 h 12.97 3.142 * .25* 12.97 = 10.188 in³ = 0.005895 ft³ probably two of these.. perpendicular or parallel so this leaves either 4.553884 for parallel or 4.555222 for perpendicular, up/down and front/back plus sub displacement of .19 4.363884 parallel.......... and for port area, with 57.25 in² slotted, ~50% for aero is 28.625 in² so a 6in aero port will be about 13.62 in long with the flare, with 28.26 in² without. round is also about 55% more efficient than slot so.. i think all my math is good, but someone may prove me wrong so that's a displacement of 366.2 in³ = 0.211921 ft³ with displacements in consideration it is 4.151963 ft³ how would i bring this into my equation? average the non displaced and the displaced and take that and use it in the equation, or should i simply add the displacement of the port BACK into the box dimensions and forget about everything else? yes, the winisd is modeled in a slotted enclosure but i did all the calculations separate, with the vent at 0 thanks in advance guys
  11. stocks


    hello world
  12. nope, it isn't. i have to add port displacement i guess? or does winisd do that for you?
  13. okay so i have a few ideas for slot ports so i am gonna attempt to do one.. can anyone help me with the dimensions i need? i need help badly well i just realized if my previous specs are internal i need to have 15.98 not 14.48.... so if it's this easy i'll be a little pissed
  14. and okay, i just wasn't sure how to get about the exact tuning i want. i guess i'll try it a little longer, maybe an inch or so and cut it if i need to maybe being more efficient isn't what i should say.. less port area is required for the same airspeed
  15. stocks

    Dustcap color options

    if you pick a product based on a shade of color yeah, i'd ignore you. i'll ignore you after this post as well i don't care what companies emailed you back either fyi
  16. stocks

    Dustcap color options

    buy the sub. if you don't like the color then buy different dustcaps. you aren't gonna get an answer for a question like that by emailing fi. i would ignore it if i were scott