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Everything posted by ulrisa

  1. ulrisa

    Starting from Scratch

    I'd say the list is pretty good. When you think about sound deadening though you need to think about how far you want to go with it. You should probably seal and deaden your doors first off, and then go ahead and deaden the rest of the vehicle. Don't go overboard though, bracing is the only thing that is going to take care of panel flex properly. You might even want to put the subwoofer in and see what needs to be deadened/braced before you go ahead and do the whole car (unless you are doing a wall). Edit: Guess I misunderstood what you are doing. If this is your list then great, but as watts09 said everyone is going to want to start at a different spot. Choosing drivers for applications and then amplifiers is the way to go though.
  2. ulrisa

    IA 40.1 now @ SSA! $1599

    I know at least for the 2006 model people claimed they were getting between 4-5k but you know how reliable that knowledge is lol. I would think at least 4k though, it's rated 3600 w @ 12v so it should be a little higher. Edit: Also Mark said 4500 rms on 12v and up to 8k on 16v, a lot of power basically lol
  3. ulrisa

    My BTL went out?

    What part(s) of the amp should I check, And how do I go about checking them? Make sure the power light is on etc. Also, you can put the multimeter leads in the amplifer's speaker outputs, set it to AC voltage, and play some music. If it is getting a changing voltage (unless its a test tone) the amp should be fine. To test the woofer, take it out and test each of the coils and see if the resistance is close to what it should be.
  4. For high power systems, higher voltages are desirable. I say this because on at 12v system a 5000 watt amplifier at 1 ohm requires more current to produce 5000 watts rms than a 16v system would due to the bump up in voltage. You do not want your car to be at these high voltages however, because a 16 v system needs to be charging at around 18v. The computers in my car would fry (most likely), as I assume most other newer cars would. Like others have said, either dual alts or a step down transformer are required in order to have a 16v system for your audio. If you are doing a daily setup with a crazy amount of power I would go the 16v route, but make sure to do it properly.
  5. Playing with an expensive dlp projector at work, displaying the SSA forum page of course :)

  6. ulrisa

    alt fit?

    Off topic but you should go with the volvo
  7. ulrisa

    Bought a new house...

    Congrats! Looks like a pretty nice place.
  8. ulrisa

    iPad 2 - For those who have yet to buy

    Loving the banned banner lol.
  9. ulrisa

    1991 Honda CRX Si

    Looks loud man! Nice job on the build.
  10. ulrisa


    My 40.1 is my favorite audio purchase I have made. There is a picture of it's guts on this page of my build log http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/topic/39469-ulrisas-volvo-s40-build/page__st__45 . This is the 2006 model so I do not know how it compares to the new one.
  11. ulrisa

    Sundown Neo-Pro 8 and 10 (Midrange)

    I think I might be needing some of these in the future
  12. ulrisa

    40.1 still around

    I saw that earlier after i posted. Just was wondering if anyone knew why they took it off of their web site. The last time I visited the incriminator web site it didn't look like it had been updated in a while. If anything it was taken off the website to update the page for the new 40.1.
  13. 18" Xcons walled in my volvo? Looks like a summer project :)

  14. You could also make a grill to go over the subwoofer and the port. Then you could face it in the direction that you want without having to worry about stuff hitting it.
  15. ulrisa

    whole system change, opinions appreciated

    If you are looking for higher numbers on the meter, then I'd go with the BL's not the Q's. I've heard good things about the RE XXX's, I'm sure they'd be fine. And for the fiberglass, I don't think that is going to affect the performance of the subs. Also, look into sundown/incriminator/cresendo/etc for amps. You are likely to find an amp that dishes out more power than the kicker for a better price.
  16. ulrisa


    From the album: Build Log Pics

  17. ulrisa

    1 out of 2 strapped 3500d won't power on

    Dude, no that is impossible BECAUSE THERE IS NO REM WIRE COMING FROM THE RADIO TO THE AMP! NONE AT ALL! I unplugged the rem wire from the radio and just left a 4 inch rem wire connecting both amps. I could throw the radio out the window and the amp will still turn on because there is NO REM WIRE COMING FROM THE RADIO TO THE AMP. I said this many times. I'm not meaning to be an arseho towards you or anything Ulrisa, i'm trying to make things clear. I don't know if i'm being blind and missing something here, but it doesn't seem like anyone is understanding what i'm saying.. Well for some reason that did not come across in your posts, it's clear now. Hopefully someone can help you with that, that is very strange seeing as how the remote output should not be putting out any voltage whatsoever.
  18. ulrisa

    1 out of 2 strapped 3500d won't power on

    I'd have to agree with shizzzon, it kind of sounds like it's touching a constant 12v source behind the radio or the radio's remote output is damaged.
  19. ulrisa

    Just wanted to show off my new toy!

    Damn! It looks even sexier than my 2006 40.1!
  20. ulrisa

    IA 40.1 now @ SSA! $1599

    These amps are beasts on a proper electrical. These are probably the most bad ass amps I have laid eyes on.
  21. Must... Have... ZCON's!

    1. Mark LaFountain

      Mark LaFountain

      haha, I know that feeling.

  22. ulrisa

    ZCON Prototype

    Wow! Thanks for making my next build a hard decision!!! lol Might have to give these a try.
  23. ulrisa

    15" Q True RMS

    I don't see why your heart is set on the q when it clearly is not designed for you goals. Not to sound harsh, but take the suggestions everyone is giving you. If you are getting 4 infinity kappa components you are not going for sq, you are going for loud. Just get a nice subwoofer such as the BL or BTL that is designed to be loud and musical.
  24. ulrisa

    AA Carbon's

    I see your running XCON's ported, how do they sound with rock or metal? Do you like having your subs punch you in the chest? Lol, they are unbelievable on rock and metal. It depends on the song though, some songs are ridiculously awesome while others are lacking because my system isn't really focused on rock. I find that a lot of rock songs do not have the lower frequencies recorded loud enough, but that might just be the ones I listen to. I think if you were heading in that route you'd probably want a slightly higher tuning like 33-35 than what I have. This will probably help on rock in most cases, though a lot of it has to do with the dynamics of a particular vehicle. I hope you enjoy your XCON!
  25. ulrisa

    AA Carbon's

    I would only recommend running the AA's crossed around 50 hz if your doors/pods/baffles are sealed really well. I actually do get a decent response out of them that low, but I ended up crossing them closer to 60 hz recently so I could get them a little louder without killing them. As mentioned above, for 50 hz a sub is going to work much better unless you have huge dedicated mid basses.