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Everything posted by ulrisa

  1. IA LI's are awesome. Just sayin'
  2. ulrisa

    New 12" Leathal Injections Doin Work!

    Yeah I know what you mean. My one sub blew me out of the water once I got it in the car, and it got much louder after the break in period. It still surprises me every day lol. I am giving it about 1k rms (according to my dmm, seems a little high for just one RF punch 500-2 lol) and it takes it like a champ. I'll have to get another vid up soon.
  3. ulrisa

    New 12" Leathal Injections Doin Work!

    Nice man! I wish I had bought two when I was ordering mine lol
  4. ulrisa

    I Got The Wrong Speaker

    I've had great experiences with it. When I first put it in, I was like man that sounds awesome. I sounded a lot better than my old rockford fosgate punch 3 sound quality wise. It's pretty clear and I love it. The only negative I noticed (this could be my car, enclosure, etc. so don't go by this) is it is a little bottom heavy. That's why I'm leaning towards the SSA Xcon for my next install. This thing does get loud as hell though, it still surprises me for one single 12" that didn't break the bank. It really is all in the enclosure though, so as long as you get a good one it will make you smile. Also, it really does get louder over time as it breaks in. It's kind of rediculous how much louder it got from what it originally was like. I hope you have as good of an experience as I did, this sub is going to continue pounding in my room after I get a new setup for my car. I have a video up if you want to take a look . I have to make another one soon, I actually set it up a little differently now and it pounds even harder.Good Luck man!
  5. ulrisa

    I Got The Wrong Speaker

    Try changing the batteries on the dmm. Sometimes they can give strange readings if they are dying, and it can be hard to tell if the batteries are almost dead. Also, double check that you are using the correct setting.
  6. ulrisa

    Deciding amps

    I would go with the Rockford myself.
  7. ulrisa

    SSA Brand Subs

    I haven't run any ssa subs yet, but I have researched them quite a bit. They aren't really geared for spl, but they can get pretty loud. These subs are made with sound quality at the top of the list (It would seem), and spl second. They can get amazingly loud and sound really good doing it. All of their subs can be run sealed or ported and hold their own in either enclosure. I think that is what I find amazing about these subs. I hope someone else can chime in with some personal experience.
  8. ulrisa

    New Temp Amp Rack

    Hey- Just wanted to share the temporary amp rack I made just until I get my next set up. Came out pretty good considering I really suck at wood work lol. Also as a side note, I decided to use my dmm to see how many watts my amp was putting out because I set it by ear a long time ago. My Punch 500-2 is somehow outputting ~1000 watts, which would explain the terrible efficiency and voltage drop. Sorry for the poor quality, my camera was dead at the time. I should have taken a few other shots too, but its basically a simple wedge design.
  9. ulrisa

    IA Lethal Injection Sub Box.

    RF Punch 500-2 is a good amp for it . Basically anything that will do the rated rms that is a reputable company. RF, Sundown, Kicker, etc. Just stay away from those $20 ebay pos amps lol.
  10. ulrisa

    2010 SSA ICON 15" Prototype

    This is awesome! I can't wait to see more about this.
  11. ulrisa

    Sundown SA 12s or Lethal Injection 12s?

    I love my lethal injection and I'd recommend it, but I have not heard the SA 12s, so I guess it would come down to flipping a coin or doing extensive research and figuring out which one fits your needs more. I know videos don't do setup's much justice, but if it helps you at all, take a look at my video of my lethal injection. Good luck! I'm sure either set up will be awesome.
  12. ulrisa

    most effective use of Luxury Liner Pro?

    I'm sure Don will call, he's a great guy. I talked to him recently when I bought some CLD tiles. Sounds like a nice project, I'd love to see how it turns out as I am considering doing some barriers in the future.
  13. ulrisa

    incriminator audio lethal injection

    I'd tune to 32 hz for mostly rap and heavy low stuff, and 35 if you want a mix of rap, hip hop, and metal. I have mine tuned to 32 hz and it plays metal ok, but it would definitely be better at 35. I mostly listen to rap though, so 32 hz is fine for me. If you want to see it in action, take a look at my video
  14. ulrisa

    Technical Center Finished! Click me!

    Awesome!! I can't wait to see them!
  15. ulrisa

    Technical Center Finished! Click me!

    Are you still planning on adding double ported/sealed designs? I'm interested to see a dual 15" xcon optimal ported design, that would be sweet. Nice work btw.
  16. Have you tried contacting the store? Maybe they could send you the bluetooth adapter because they messed up.
  17. ulrisa

    Your first system...

    Pioneer 5000UB, Punch 500-2, and a Punch Stage 3 12" sub. Speaker upgrades a such came later, but it was awesome when I first got it.
  18. ulrisa

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    Loving the build man! I was thinking of doing something similar for my enclosure in the future because of my weird trunk shape, but I just don't think I have the skills to make it. I'm very excited to see the results!
  19. ulrisa

    15" xcon house build??

    Looks good man! Can't wait to hear how it turns out.
  20. ulrisa

    Similar Subs

    I would take an LI (which I have) over a type r any day. If you want more output get the death row or the death penalty. If you want more sq, get the flatlyne. This is not to say that the other lines don't have decent sq though, they are pretty good. If you look in the incriminator part of the forum you can find a video of my LI 12" in action if you are interested.
  21. ulrisa

    sonic electronix?

    Great place, I highly recommend!
  22. Yeah it's definitely the better option in the long run. I did the same thing pretty much, I just gave my old head unit to my girlfriend.
  23. This same exact thing happened to me, but it was a pioneer. I'm guessing it is probably the same problem, some type of internal fuse that was fried when current tried to go through the rcas from your power terminals. This may be the same case for the original poster, the rca might have touched something while you were moving things around. Try grounding the rcas. I did this, it was a temporary fix until I got a new h/u, but it did work. I bought a few rca couplers from radioshack (like these Male Female , hopefully you can find a cheaper place. I didn't want to modify my rca's directly, but you can if you want. I also picked up some small inline fuses, so if it happened again my h/u wouldn't fry. I soldered a wire from the outer part of the rca to the fuse holder. You could then solder on another wire and attach a ring terminal and ground it (I did it to the h/u chassis). Then I just plugged the couplers in the back of the h/u, then the rcas into the couplers. Voila, the noise disappeared. There is always the option of buying a new unit as well if this doesn't work or whatever. I hope this helps!
  24. ulrisa

    Pair of Xcon 18's review, by Thewes

    Nice review man! I'm looking forward to picking up a pair of these!
  25. ulrisa


    You could try one of these Stinger Amplifier Pop Stopper I used to have this problem because I wired the remote wire inline with the switched head unit power because for whatever reason the remote cable wasn't working on the HU. Eventually it just kind of went away, I'm not sure why. Good Luck