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Everything posted by ulrisa

  1. Xcon's Shipped!

    1. jcarter1885


      Im excited for ya.

  2. ulrisa

    Ulrisa's Volvo S40 Build

    Thanks man! I need some tips lol I'll make sure to ask you. I really liked how your pods came out. Now I'm afraid to take the pods back out because they sound so good.
  3. ulrisa

    Ulrisa's Volvo S40 Build

    Just ordered the Xcon's! The lethal injection is being sold to my friend. I wasn't going to sell it, but I need to recoup some money before I go back to college . Excited for the Xcon's though.
  4. Just ordered my Xcons!! Now my bank account officially hates me lol.

    1. Sir-Lancelot


      Yes, but your ears will love you. Love the one your with bro. lol

  5. 2 days until I order the Xcons. Woo!

  6. ulrisa

    Ulrisa's Volvo S40 Build

    Thanks man! Yeah, I love monoprice. Such cheap cables with such great quality.
  7. ulrisa

    Ulrisa's Volvo S40 Build

    Here's a pic of the battery: I installed it yesterday, took out the Batcap 400 as well. BEST THING I'VE EVER DONE! I am so happy with this battery, I can be sitting at idle with the a/c on and not drop below 14-13.8. Absolutely no dimming lights, it was like night and day. I feel like a nerd being so excited about the voltage, but I just can't believe the difference it made. And now, after the comp I keep thinking of songs I could of used for the 30 second average that might have been better. Damn. lol.
  8. ulrisa


    From the album: Build Log Pics

  9. 134.5 @ 34 hz, 1 Lethal Injection 12"... Not Bad!!

  10. ulrisa

    Ulrisa's Volvo S40 Build

    Went to a bass comp today! I actually entered, and I'm happy I did. I hit 134.5 @ 34 hz (at least that's what the song peaks at). Not bad I'd say, I got a little certificate too. I also picked up a battery from my friend EXOcontralto. I'll get some pics up in a bit.
  11. Hey man, atleast you weren't quoted $900 with the Volvo lol. I understand the build quality, I just don't have the cash this year .
  12. Huge update on my build log, check it out!

  13. ulrisa

    Ulrisa's Volvo S40 Build

    Ok, big update today. I did most of this stuff about a week ago, I just hadn't gotten to putting the pics up yet. Basically, I received all of my wire, fuses/holders, and accessories and I redid the big 3. I also installed my stinger volt meter. Enjoy! Here's a look at all of the stuff. These are the fuse holders. 300 amp Fuses, Battery Terminals, Ring Terminals, and Grommets. 200 amp Fuses and a Stinger Volt Meter. Knukonceptz Collossus Fleks wire, this is some really nice stuff. Super flexible, great looks (if that matters to you). This is the Knukonceptz SS speaker wire. I got some 8 awg for the subs, I really like the thick jacket on this stuff. Just a little comparison of the wires. These are my ridiculous monoprice rca's and aux cable. The rca's were only a couple bucks but they are NICE. Great option if you want to keep the budget low, but the performance high. A close up of the most ridiculous aux cable I've ever seen. I also picked this up for $3.00. Comparison of these wires. My old big 3 wires. A little burn on one of them, the way they were connected put too much stress on the contact points and frayed the wires. Bad situation to be in, haha. Luckily I changed them out before it became a big problem (Voltage suffered though ) This is the battery location without the battery box. The original ground was below it, but I relocated it. I relocated the engine block ground to the bolt just under the air box. The alternator location with the dip stick taken out. I know you are all jealous! haha, I had to crush my hands to fit them in there. Good thing I had some ratchet extensions. The new wires ready for their new home. It's a garage chair, don't hate lol. Battery back in place with the new terminals. Looks nice, I love it. New alt cable going into the crevice where the alternator dwells lol. Secured pretty snugly to prevent movement in the engine compartment. Here is a farther away look at the battery. Top terminals are only temporary, until I do the new runs to the back. I'm waiting on the subs/enclosure to do that, I want it to come out right the first time. The new Stinger meter installed and calibrated. Usually charges between 14-14.5 depending on heat (90 today). Still charges strong at 14 with the a/c on and everything now. I'm very pleased with the results of the new big 3 install and volt meter. Looks a lot better than my old volt meter, and it's much more accurate. If you saw the rust and you were like, what a pos, remember I live in Maine and everything gets rusty the second it thinks about going on the road. haha. 14 days until I order the Xcon's! WOOOO!!
  14. ulrisa


    From the album: Build Log Pics

  15. ulrisa


    From the album: Build Log Pics

  16. ulrisa


    From the album: Build Log Pics

  17. ulrisa


    From the album: Build Log Pics

  18. ulrisa


    From the album: Build Log Pics

  19. ulrisa


    From the album: Build Log Pics

  20. ulrisa


    From the album: Build Log Pics

  21. ulrisa


    From the album: Build Log Pics

  22. ulrisa


    From the album: Build Log Pics

  23. ulrisa


    From the album: Build Log Pics

  24. ulrisa


    From the album: Build Log Pics

  25. ulrisa


    From the album: Build Log Pics
