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Everything posted by ulrisa

  1. ulrisa

    Xcon help!

    Hmmm. I will try that. Never had such a high power set up before so I might not have noticed it. I will triple check my wiring and I'm not sure if I can do the video because my camera isn't high enough frame rate to capture it anyway FTL. Subsonic appears to be set correctly on the amp, I haven't noticed any severe unloading. I'll see if I can borrow an o scope from my school, that would be pretty handy. I'll try resetting my gains with a lower hu volume.
  2. Apparently playing music with a window down during a bass demo for 2 seconds draws a huge crowd lol. Also, the cops (didn't find me :) ).

  3. ulrisa

    Install log on the SSA Mazda's

    Nice! I can't wait to do something like this. The noise floor in my car is already pretty low, but it would be awesome to have a dead quiet ride. Thanks for posting this, it will be a great reference for when I do this with my next car.
  4. Happy birthday SSA! Thanks for making the Xcon's, they are some pretty sweet subwoofers. Actually, all of you subwoofers are awesome .
  5. ulrisa

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    I love the way the doors came out! Nice Job!
  6. ulrisa

    Trunk Setup Positioning

    I'd have to go with j-roadtatts on this one. I had the same exact results that he did really. Now I feel the lows more than I hear them, the trunk definitely added coloration when I had my rear firing 600 watt setup. Now I get a lot of loud, clean output with my forward firing sealed setup. I'm not really sure how power handling would affect it, I actually think it would be worse to fire to the rear with 3500 watts because it would be hard to keep the trunk actually closed/sealed (unless you really braced it). I don't think you would need to tune lower to compensate and hit the lows (depending on how low obviously), because as j-roadtatts said you really feel them more and that is probably why people think it is worse. Obviously sealing off the trunk is a big undertaking, but bracing the trunk to handle all that beat would also be a big undertaking. As a side note I'm not sure if it is just the difference in cancellation or subs but my new system hits the punchy notes really hard. Good luck on whatever you decide!
  7. Got my first bail out today with the Xcon's! The guy was like, this is just too much lol.

    1. Mark LaFountain

      Mark LaFountain

      gotta get that on video next time lol

    2. Sir-Lancelot



      Best ones are the guys that sit there with that sucking on a lemon face and act like it's all good.

    3. ulrisa


      Haha yeah! I can't wait to do more demos. I'll have to start leaving my camera in my car. He also said "I got 2 12's but it definitely ain't no 3500 watts!".

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  8. ulrisa

    Death Row 12

    Have you considered a death penalty? That would do great on 1800 rms.
  9. ulrisa

    Ulrisa's Volvo S40 Build

    Thanks! I actually had the same idea with the wood blocks, I did that earlier today. I'll keep the locktite in mind, that stuff works great. Unfortunately no beauty panels for a while . I have to go back to school tomorrow and I can't really work on it until the winter. I've only had the system installed for about half a week so I'm trying to enjoy it for the little time I have left of the summer. This system is amazing though, I might even be able to do a small hair trick. The trunk is pretty much sealed now, I can actually hear the difference. I might try to take a few pics in between packing tonight and get them up.
  10. ulrisa

    Ulrisa's Volvo S40 Build

    Thanks! It would seem to look that way lol. At least the rear view mirror in this car is sturdy and even with all the bass it stays right in place.
  11. ulrisa

    Ulrisa's Volvo S40 Build

    Ok so I had a chance to make a quick video today. No editing or anything, I'm busy at the moment. Hopefully I can get another one done tomorrow or something. On an interesting note, the Xcon's made a screw fall out of the dash today haha. I was just driving along and felt something hit my leg. When I checked, it was one of the screws that holds the dash up. Here is the video Hope you enjoy!
  12. ulrisa

    Build Log Pics

  13. ulrisa


    From the album: Build Log Pics

  14. ulrisa

    Ulrisa's Volvo S40 Build

    4 cubic feet net tuned to 32 hz. I kind of wished I had covered it in plastic, it was really painful to spray greatstuff on my new box (and car). But I figured this is probably the way it's going to be for quite a while and eventually this is going to be an all out competition car.
  15. ulrisa

    Ulrisa's Volvo S40 Build

    Thanks! Yeah it really came out nice, it was worth driving 6 hours lol. It's really solid too, no flexing at all or anything. I'll have to get pic of the terminals tomorrow, they are really nice. The port is definitely my favorite part, it looks even better in real life. Hopefully it won't rain all day again tomorrow!
  16. ulrisa

    Ulrisa's Volvo S40 Build

    Ok, rained all day so no video . I do have some pics though! Played around with it a little more today, so far I'm really pleased with the Xcon's. I listened to a bunch of slowed rap songs and they sounded great! It's crazy because I feel like its louder than some of the high SPL vehicles I've sat in even though I know it's not. Video's do no justice for these woofers. I also listened to a song by Rage Against the Machine while I was demoing for my dad. It sounded like a concert! You get that feeling in your chest every time the bass hits. Nice and precise. Unfortuately the dimming is back lol, but I it plays fine at idle. Voltage only drops down to about 13 on most songs. Hoping the sunroof isn't going to break but it seems inevitable. Anyway, here are some pics. Hopefully I can do a vid tomorrow if it stops raining. This is the unloaded enclosure that Dave the box guy built me. My signature yellow port lol. This one is neon and it will actually fluoresce with a black light. Some nice bracing. Good thing I didn't make this lol. Shot of the port from the inside The Xcon's installed. I still need to brace the rear deck and finish the sealing. That means it will be even louder with less cancellation! Also it will get rid of that annoying metal flapping sound lol. Wish I could have gotten some shots of the amp, but it's still raining... I'll be sure to post a video and some more pics. I'll document some of my sealing progress as well, now that I think about it I don't think there is enough of that online for us trunkers.
  17. ulrisa


    From the album: Build Log Pics

  18. ulrisa


    From the album: Build Log Pics

  19. ulrisa


    From the album: Build Log Pics

  20. ulrisa


    From the album: Build Log Pics

  21. ulrisa


    From the album: Build Log Pics

  22. ulrisa


    From the album: Build Log Pics

  23. ulrisa

    Ulrisa's Volvo S40 Build

    Finally got the 40.1 in today. As some of you may know, I had to go camping right after I got my enclosure. I decided to go visit my friend EXOcontralto and he had the tools I was missing to hook it up. After making a little make shift amp rack, we got it all hooked up and ready to go. The trunk isn't fully sealed off yet, so it should get a little louder when I finish sealing the rear deck. All we did was match the gain and let it rip lol, and it was still amazing without even changing the settings. These subs are insane! The only issue I have now is my sunroof is flapping on the low bass songs lol. The car takes ~3500 watts on just two ~70 AH batteries and the stock 120 amp alt surprisingly well. Lights still dim and all (damn sensitive lights), but the voltage stays above 13 from what little experimentation I had. I'll have a better update tomorrow. Pic's and hopefully a quick vid.