Ok, rained all day so no video . I do have some pics though! Played around with it a little more today, so far I'm really pleased with the Xcon's. I listened to a bunch of slowed rap songs and they sounded great! It's crazy because I feel like its louder than some of the high SPL vehicles I've sat in even though I know it's not. Video's do no justice for these woofers. I also listened to a song by Rage Against the Machine while I was demoing for my dad. It sounded like a concert! You get that feeling in your chest every time the bass hits. Nice and precise. Unfortuately the dimming is back lol, but I it plays fine at idle. Voltage only drops down to about 13 on most songs. Hoping the sunroof isn't going to break but it seems inevitable. Anyway, here are some pics. Hopefully I can do a vid tomorrow if it stops raining. This is the unloaded enclosure that Dave the box guy built me. My signature yellow port lol. This one is neon and it will actually fluoresce with a black light. Some nice bracing. Good thing I didn't make this lol. Shot of the port from the inside The Xcon's installed. I still need to brace the rear deck and finish the sealing. That means it will be even louder with less cancellation! Also it will get rid of that annoying metal flapping sound lol. Wish I could have gotten some shots of the amp, but it's still raining... I'll be sure to post a video and some more pics. I'll document some of my sealing progress as well, now that I think about it I don't think there is enough of that online for us trunkers.