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Lord Baccus

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Everything posted by Lord Baccus

  1. Lord Baccus

    some support for SUNDOWN

    i got my 2x 1500ds and am allreaddy trying to figure out how im going to get 2x 3000ds
  2. Lord Baccus

    VLX 400 ???

    I searched the specs thats pinned but theres nothing about the older amps... a friend has the VFL 400 and i was woundering what it would do ??? might not be vfl ? but the amp is a Us amps & its about 7ft long
  3. Lord Baccus

    lowering cabin temp for better db

    this would explain why my note changes with hotter temps: i am still learning... so i get if i keep the air conditioner on and cool off the truck befor a run i can incress my score im loving this forum
  4. Lord Baccus

    154.6db last night

    i intend on paying to have the Explorer metered in every concievable position as soon as Doug gets the termlab ready & has an hour or 2 too spare... i did read yestreday that the guy doing 152db @20Hz did it with the mic on the passanger headrest... WoW.... @ a show in Ft Worth last month i did the same # on drivers side as i did on the passanger side but that was with a Street beat boxx and only 200watts per sub. was using a 12yr old PPi Pc 4800 to run the subs cuss the Massive p3000.1 could not handle a 2ohm load...??? was being repaired i did a 144.6 db on both sides
  5. Lord Baccus

    lowering cabin temp for better db

    i was reading that temp has an effect on the speed that sound travles...
  6. Lord Baccus

    154.6db last night

    it was Blurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrring my vision so bad Doug hooked up the remote to the amp so he could control the volume wile i set the note....
  7. Lord Baccus

    154.6db last night

    Doug Thank you for clarifying my point on where the meter gos... im still new to the competition 2nd yr now... i would like to state that 154.6db was all Djman i could not have gotten that far without his and Jantars help. Doug was tweeking the amp & assisting me during the runs they are Great competitors in every sence of the word. and i am greatful for the assistance, and am in their debt for helping me to get as far as i have !
  8. Lord Baccus

    What to do ???

    the back window on my 2000 ford Explorer is Mage Flexxing !!! what can be done to stop the spl from leaking out ???
  9. Lord Baccus

    Banging my own drum :)

    Amazing.... i am going to have to meter mine that way to see if my score incresses... killer info Thank you
  10. Lord Baccus

    154.6db last night

    Ummmmmmm pretty much everyone at the show.... as stated this was NOT USACI... no retarded window line rule. No Rule Book as Thick as a Dallas Yellow pages, No judges declaring your system illegal cuss your beating the favored team. or changing the rules the week before finals so you dont have time to re-build etc etc etc... just a bunch of people having a Great time @ Hooters put the mic where ever you want and Boom away... it was an informal show... but for kicks i will bow to the wimm of the mass's and try it Usaci Legal. which i find slightly ( mildlly ) retarded as it will change the res Freq depending on the car/truck/van and is not the best place to measure SPL as you need a place for the wave to load... will give certian cars an addvantage lets say a ( REX ) ???!!!???
  11. Lord Baccus

    Whats better then having a 150db+ daily driver?

    x2 Bro we all have Different approchs to a common goal ? we can all render the same drawing, but i might use chalk, you use water paint, and another prefers oil or acrillic !!! all the na saying is getting a lil tired...
  12. Lord Baccus

    ??? Myspace ???

    does Sundown Audio have a Myspace page ???? heres mine http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...iendid=79513496
  13. Lord Baccus

    Ia 40.1

    and i thank them everytime i see them... i have allways belived if you ask a question : Lisen to the answer... you will find what you seek. being able to accept addvise is a good thing ! it is better to let people THINK your a fool than too open your mouth and remove all dought... and there is no shame in standing on the sholders of Giants...
  14. Lord Baccus

    Ia 40.1

    this weekend DjMan ( Doug ) lent me 1 of his Ia 40.1 so i would not have to use the Massive POS !!! we wired the 2x 15: SoundStream subs to 0.4 ohm no where near the 0.26 his DD 9515's will do... using 1 amp on a 12v setup did a 154.6db amp never even got warm. i was wareing hearing protection and it was blurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrring my vision
  15. Lord Baccus

    ??? Myspace ???

    True Datt
  16. Lord Baccus

    is this normal.

    questions: 1. what ohm are you running to the amp ? 2. is the ground on your amp reading a 0.00ohm load ? 3. where is the gain on the amp set @ ? 4. Have you removed the Eq from the setup to see if it is the problem ( overdriving the signal ) ? 5. is the amp recieving enuff voltage/amprage to heep it from going into protection ?
  17. Lord Baccus

    Banging my own drum :)

    how is it done ?
  18. Lord Baccus

    Banging my own drum :)

  19. Lord Baccus

    2x 1500 Sundown Audio on the way

    Monday I ordered 2 of the SAZ 1500d amps called Massive and told em i hope they did'ent plan on selling a lot of amps in Dallas or Ft Worth Tx after Fu@king me around like that a Happy Customer tells 12 people an Un-Happy customer tells EVERYONE anyway after Much discussion with Djman, and James they agree with Jacob that the 2x 1500d's would be better in the long run over the 3000d for wireing options, as sometimes i use 2x 15" and the next time i will have 4x 15" subs !!! I am so freekin Stoked
  20. Lord Baccus

    2x 1500 Sundown Audio on the way

    i have an 8v & a 6v battery that hold 14.97v @ a lil over 2000cca i tie the negitive post to the positive of the other battery ( seires ) they will cook up to 19v but rest @ 14.97v i use these too burppppp and i have a strong stock setup that never dropps below 13.6v 130amp alt / 1x optima yellow / up front 2x batcap 800 near amp
  21. the CEA symbol means that it was tested by an independent lab ( non Bias ) and it did rated power should mean what is stated on the box is what it will do in a perfect world
  22. Lord Baccus

    2x 1500 Sundown Audio on the way

    for Dailly i roll about 1/2 volume but for Burppppppping we use the TermLab so i think 4sec burst
  23. Lord Baccus

    new DP 21"

    we wanna see Pics
  24. Lord Baccus

    2x 1500 Sundown Audio on the way

    i am stoked for sure as i mentioned i have a friend that is running 1 SAZ 1500d on 2x SoundStream Splx subs and his 1st competition he took both 1st place for SPL in the Amature class & 1st place for SQ he has been running the amp @ 0.5ohm dcr for a year now and has had no problems.... i am a Diehard competitior and go out rain/shine/sleet or snow.... am looking forward to having amps that can deliver the push i need to keep people woundering how i breath in there when its so freeking Loud... i am into Vision Blurrrrring i did read the stickys over & over and i see it will do rated on lil or no power but how many batterys are needed to run both amps comfortablly ??
  25. did the box have a lable that says CEA ???