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Lord Baccus

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Everything posted by Lord Baccus

  1. Lord Baccus

    MINI Cooper Wall Worklog

    dont know if that was a smart ass reply or not....but usually bass/loud highs distort on camera.... try not to get bent the Sq guys allways posture, about how it sounds !!! if they ever get to a Slayer concert... they would understand us better
  2. Lord Baccus

    MINI Cooper Wall Worklog

    Wow Great build.... now i cant wait till finals are over so i can start my wall... iv got wood just thinking about it
  3. Lord Baccus

    not to sound stupid ?

    someone please explain what "Active Front Stage" is without biteing off my head please...
  4. Lord Baccus

    Freekin lucked out...

    i went to MetroPlex Battery inc. in Dallas Tx today after work to pickup the only Speedcap i could find in North Tx, for my US 8v gc battery- for free.... he had an extra... ( good Karma ) and i was discussing how audio shops put our nuts in a vise and jack up ( tripple ) the price of any battery that will put out power.... so he was showing me all the different batterys he had for fork lifts / sky lifts etc and i mentioned i had a chance to get an NSB 90 and missed out cuss i dident get paied in time... he said he had 2 reconditioned Nsb batterys 1 was a NSB 90 the other was an NSB 110 ---- he sold it to me for 35.oo + tax i now have over 4000amps @ 12.85v for my Sundown Saz1500ds x2..... freekin Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.... Dammmmm thing must weigh 80lbs or better...
  5. Lord Baccus

    Exile flat subs?

    please define normal lisening just f-ing with ya ya iv lisened to a few of the flat subs and imo the pioneer & clairion did about the same sq wise in generic boxxs but when in a probox the pioneer did better wasent to impressed over all but for what your looking to do its fine
  6. Lord Baccus

    Freekin lucked out...

    its called Good Karma... i try and help everyone i can and it seems when i need help it just happens i think my lil Bro Jeff has ordered 1 of the SAZ 1500ds from ya he asked what amp to get and naturally i thought of Sundown...
  7. Lord Baccus

    RLI-8 Dammmm

    Dammmmmmmm 144.5db with an 8" sub we have guys that come out to the shows and have 2 12" and cant get over 140db Sweeeet i know this wont work in every suv but try pointing the boxx port up & pull it all the way to the backwindow i went up 2.4db doing that
  8. Lord Baccus

    Freekin lucked out...

    CUSS WERE IN THE MIDDLE OF EVERYTHING... sorry caps were on... and its not so bigg unless you live in one of those smaller states
  9. Lord Baccus

    not to sound stupid ?

    iv never seen a pio 880 ? link please
  10. Lord Baccus

    RLI-8 Dammmm

    lets see it
  11. Somebody's being really optimistic. come on be nice those 6yr old taiwanese children are doing the best they can building those amps as fast as they can under slave labor conditions...
  12. Lord Baccus

    Freekin lucked out...

    Yse he does you better get it before i do there on Monroe off wallnut hill if your going north on 35 make a left on Walnut hill / go pass harry Hines / pass old Denton dr. / make right on Monroe go about 2 blocks its on your left Metroplex Battery
  13. Lord Baccus

    Got Metered Yesterday

    Very well i would say i burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrped mine @ 0.4ohm and i have a pair strapped mine never got warm either
  14. Lord Baccus

    not to sound stupid ?

    for free I think not. 400 for local isn't too bad. I like to buy local #1 to suport local buisness when they are worth supporting, and if my crap goes bad on me.. well I know whos teeth to loosen. I see 300 On the net where did you find it for 239 if I may ask, sounds too good almost? I can seal that deal this week for that price and not think twice(damn I just flowed on accident ) Having a sponsor would be cool, but I really wouldn't want all that hastle. I'm not building to compete in anything at all... but cool for you man, you will go through equipment like crazy if you compete new builds etc. it all started yrs ago... when i was just learnning how to install i would work for free to help out @ a local shop and after yrs of me helping on the weekends and showing everyone i know where in town to get the best equipment @ rock bottom prices with a warranty, if i need something i get it with a warranty, dosent cost me squatt, but i dont ask for much !!! so as not to stress a good friendship... if im in trouble like my Kdc-x979 went down i got a new hu Free ! wasent brand new but it was less than a week old and has a full warranty... if i need wire / rcas / install bay / whatever i just go when there slow and it happens.... its called good Karma
  15. Lord Baccus

    not to sound stupid ?

    400.oo as in US Dollars ??? bend over and smeeeeeeeeer on alot of vasaline.... they go for 300.oo here in lil ol Dallas TX. RETAIL... there all over the net for 239.00 cash i got mine from my sponsor... $0.oo some customer returned it cuss his g-friend was bit@hing about how much it cost so they gave it too me !!! im not Bit@hin @ all
  16. Lord Baccus

    not to sound stupid ?

    Hold on a durn second. the alpine deck itself acts as an active cross over? As in I dont' need to buy a seperate unit?? I can use one pair or RCA's as the highs and the other as the mids? I'm just trying to clarify.. If this is the case I know what my deck will be. I also get grossly confused with the whole active issue. Are there any other decks that can do this? Lord, sorry to thread jack!! no problem bro just happy to be moving in the right direction... all i need to do is read the Manual too figure out how to do it
  17. Lord Baccus

    Wall with 4 MJ 18s

    Sits at 1.8. Also I think I found some of the problem. I had a bad battery. As soon as I unhooked it from the others it went to 10.3 and the others sat at 13. So I might have had some clipping going on. 1.8ohm bridged or per side ? mine was 2.3ohm bridged / went into protect and never recovered / was a nightmare dealing with Massive getting re[aired / bassiclly they blame the customer and wont warranty it
  18. Lord Baccus

    2500wattsrms help

    i agree...
  19. Lord Baccus

    not to sound stupid ?

    where in the manual is the instructions on how to do that ??? does this make a bigg differance in the way it sounds ?
  20. Lord Baccus

    Our latest HT project

    Pics please
  21. Lord Baccus

    not to sound stupid ?

    i thought you said you have an alpine 9887. that unit is capable of processing a 2-way active stage + subwoofer. no need for an external processor if you want a 2-way setup. i do have the Alpine 9887 but i havent read the whole manual yet its thick.... just skimmed it to set the crossovers and clock... it will do way more than i need for SPL....havent figured out how to program everything...i have ordered the cd for the Imprint...
  22. Lord Baccus

    not to sound stupid ?

    Koveaudio.com seems to be missing ??? cant find it ?
  23. Lord Baccus

    not to sound stupid ?

    so if i use the Kove audio Aphex Ax1 Signal processor i have an Active front stage ?!!!? what about the crossovers in the doors just before the componets ?
  24. Lord Baccus

    this is SQ

    this is 1 of the coolest setups iv seen in a while 6 ID MAX 12" w/ over 8k from the TruTech amps
  25. Lord Baccus

    this is SQ

    Ramos ??? lets turn this into an SQ how too i like SQ when im not competing