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Lord Baccus

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Everything posted by Lord Baccus

  1. Lord Baccus

    my SQ boxx

    i did read it and need a Lawer to deciffer it... ill try but Alpine Tech support if gone by the time i get off work edit: i just contacted AP Ts and he said on the bottom of the unit is a switch S/R/SUB - front - rear - w/sub 3way - front Tweeter - rear Mids - w/sub what do you suggest ?
  2. Lord Baccus

    my SQ boxx

    i need help setting the 9887 to actice so i dont f-it up... and addvice
  3. Lord Baccus

    my SQ boxx

    godda give me a lil credit for trying ill call Rod Gren tonight and see if he has any suggestions hes won a few finals in Sq and also i can call Todd Zier there both great guys willing to help http://www.interrel.com/zierbox/
  4. Lord Baccus

    my SQ boxx

    i know i do not like it when people put the tweeters on the a pillers above the eye line i think the tweeters should be within 6inchs of the mids for proper imaging. someone let me know where i should start ? should i do away with the read speakers ? concentrate on a strong front stage ? this is what iv gathered from stalking the sq threads...
  5. Lord Baccus

    New SQ build with 15" Q

    I like when people build things themselfs shows creativity
  6. Lord Baccus

    my SQ boxx

    with front staging in mind where should i position the mids ? tweeters ? in an Explorer ? stock location ? kick pods ? someone out there has an explorer and is doing SQ True i am partially def but people that ride with me can hear well... and i know a lot about SPL & nothing of SQ so learning something new never hurts
  7. Lord Baccus

    My new install

    i like the new boxx what is it ported to ?
  8. Lord Baccus

    2007 XXX 18 Wall

    i forsee a lot of cancellation... might be wrong but i think the 18" is going to over power the 2x 12"
  9. Lord Baccus

    9887 Help

    thats the same problem im having i set it where i think it should be but im not sure i did it right ?
  10. Lord Baccus

    my SQ boxx

    i dont know how to SQ so starting over would be just as desterious i need help. is anything i have salvegeable?
  11. Lord Baccus

    my SQ boxx

    sweeeeeeeeeeeet i have never been in a studio, so i guess my misunderstanding comes from only seeing bands live i need someone that knows what there doing to go over my explorer with me and make sugestions
  12. Lord Baccus

    9887 Help

    there is a setting in the function that allows you to turn off/on the sub... i forgot how i got in there !!! i was getting no output from mine either till i turned on the media expander, setting 1/2/3 i use 2 as it is clear enuff
  13. Lord Baccus

    my SQ boxx

    Cool so its not possable to set it up for SQ during the week and switch out boxxs and do Spl on the weekend? i dont have any equipment for testing Sq but Justin does... where should i start ? front doors ? kick pods ? 2000 explorer and i have no idea how to set the Alpine 9887 i need a lawer to deciffer the manual, its way more control than i expected can i get it setup to sound decent during the week days? i need help setting the crossover points etc etc etc... i read the manual but do not understand what it is asking me for when setting it up...
  14. Lord Baccus

    my SQ boxx

    its easyer to understand him when he is calm. and not calling my ideas stupid. i respect him or i would not have taknen his addvice for the Hu. i wish i knew 1/10th of what he knows i have a hard time excepting that there is NO compremise between SQ & SPL sorry if i offended i switch boxxs for dailly & competition... i have planed on building an X1 enclosure for Sq - 1 - 15" and help is welcome... thats why i buy Sq stuff and try to make it sound 1/2@ss decent when im not competing
  15. Lord Baccus

    my SQ boxx

    ok obviouslly constructive criticism you can not take ? my bad... all im trying to say is you come off a lil heavey handed when you give an oppinion. Warned ? everyone elsy seems to have figured out i was joking... oh well are you suggesting that my system has no redeeming qualities? ok what do you suggest ? you see my equipment list, in my signature. should i scrapp it all
  16. Lord Baccus

    2007 XXX 18 Wall

    are the 12" subs going to sealed off from the 18" ???
  17. Lord Baccus


    link to T/s for said sub ? Sq / street beat / SPL ?
  18. Lord Baccus

    Lookie what I saw today. 180.2db's

    id like to see how that is done id like to get my SQX Explorer close to that
  19. Lord Baccus

    my SQ boxx

    7cf after displacement @ 36Hz if you want i can get the dimentions for ya
  20. Lord Baccus

    New SQ build with 15" Q

    Bro that is freekin a sweeeeeeeeeet idea... id like to see the front
  21. Lord Baccus

    my SQ boxx

    im a DieHard SPL Freek... but i do like to hear the words and the rest of the music... so you could consider me an SQXtream kind of guy... Fart cannons and SQ have NO commonalities. SQXtream is a stupid description of what you like. You only want SPL and a front stage that plays loudly enough to hear words which has absolutely nothing to do with SQ. If your bass is exaggerated at all it isn't SQ and there aren't really compromises on the word, either you want it to blend or you don't. In your case you just want SPL from the subs and the front stage and nothing more. Bro it is clear you have a set defination of SQ I have a FART cannon i.e. notice the 2x 6" Areoports tuned to 54Hz ( FART )for COMPETITION i also have a street boxx ported @ 36Hz i.e ( SQX ) that did 152.db yesterday @ Hertz Wars in Arlingto Tx i have Never said anything was STUPID about Sq.. i took your addvice about getting the Alpine 9887, and i try to incorperate as much SQ components as i can into my SQX Explorer i am not strongarming anyone into SPL i use a PPi Pc 4800 for my mids & Highs. to push Soundstream SSt 6.5 front doors & SSt 6.9 rear as i got them through sponsor i have great imaging when i turn the sub down to blend.... i just choose not to as i like the Bass as i am a Bass Guitar player... Bro it seems that you have a srtong oppinion about SQ and what it should be... not everyone shares you taste for suttle music. if i prefer to be able to dround out the assclown next to me or from 4 blocks away it is what I like... im sure if you lived in Dallas we could get together and you could teach me alot about refining my sound ! im trying to say you come off as SMUGG sometimes... you catch more flys with sugar than vinigar i dont think you would like me bashing SQ the way you do SPL try a softer approch, youll win more people over ! its clear you have great skill @ what you do (SQ )
  22. Lord Baccus

    keeping your subs and amps indoor for the winter?

    Agreed ^^^ what he said WTF ??? i have never taken mine out !!! if anything cold weather helps keep the amps from going into protection from overheating
  23. Lord Baccus

    my SQ boxx

    well now that you mention it ? it might have been a factor
  24. Lord Baccus

    New box design for dual Q18

    i drive a 2000 Explorer Limited i was doing 152.3db with the subs up port fireing backwards / flipped the boxx up so the subs faced forward ports up did a 154.6db all i changed was the position of the boxx
  25. Lord Baccus

    my SQ boxx

    im reffering to Factory systems from 20yrs ago