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Lord Baccus

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Everything posted by Lord Baccus

  1. Lord Baccus

    Custom SAZ 1500d & PPi

    post up pics bro make shre its a full pic of the wood grain email it to me @ lordbaccus at sbcglobal.net i did that so the spybotts dont get my address So what do yall think ? have i tapped a neet idea or yall like the bla za plain amp look ?
  2. Lord Baccus

    Custom SAZ 1500d & PPi

    find a pic of the wood grain you like and ill get er done and for yall 411 it's called "Gorilla Pimpin"
  3. Lord Baccus

    Custom SAZ 1500d & PPi

    iv been Pounding the Piss outta the amps Dailly with the Fire swril stickers and had no problems... the chanels are open under the sticker so i dont think the amp even knows its there... iv burpped them with NO problems Jacob assured me on the other thread that it should not be a problem... im Pioneering new ground here....
  4. Lord Baccus

    To All Members

    Hummmmm ok now im lost ???
  5. Lord Baccus

    Being polite as a gym member

    my problem with gyms is they want 275.oo up front then they demand access to your bank account / then after working out for a whole 2 weeks they close the gym and transfer my membership too somewhere in BFE and keep drawing there monthly fee / i had to close my bank account to get them to stop... this has happened twice to me...
  6. Lord Baccus


    i think a wall with 1 18" is kind of pointless... it will raise your res Freq of your interior how much power are you using on this 18" ??? and i think for 400.oo are they going to use Vasaline ? and kiss you after they f-u ??? build it your self and take pride in kicking everyons @ss
  7. Lord Baccus


    exactlly what Flavor of CRACK are they smoking i have a 2000 Ford Explorer and i just did a 154.1db @ 46Hz peek / boxx ported to 36Hz ish box was 15.75cf after displacement... had welll here have a look This box is 7cf 152db daily this box is 7cf 154.6db Spl burrrrrrp only give me the T/s for your subs and go measure between the wheel wells and ill design you a box you can build for ill need to know what kind of music , so i can design the port freq correctlly $40.oo
  8. Lord Baccus

    1986 F150 Truck Build

    Waa aire yee Porting er too ??? looks like a great build so far ! is the amp blocking the airflow from the port ?
  9. Lord Baccus

    Free Bandpass Designs

    i wanna see build pics Wassssssss up long time no see ya heres a Biggie for ya to design a BP for it's a SoundStream 15" XxX the T/s Fs (hz) 37.1Hz Qms 3.91 Vas (3ft) 2.239 cu.ft Cms (mm/n) 0.0137 in/lb Mms (g) 8.381 oz Rms (kg/s) 31.02 lb/s Xmax (mm) 1.57 in Xmech (mm) 0.0929 in Dia (in.) 12.22 Sd (2in) 117.3 sq in Vd (3ft) Qes 0.41 Re (ohms) 4.8 ohm Z (ohms) 4ohms BL 25.39 Pe (watts) 4000 watts Qts 0.37 No 1w/1m SPL 90.8 db 2.8v SPL 93.17 db VC DIA (IN) VC (Ohms) M-vd (3ft) 0.200 Cut-out 14.25 in
  10. Changed from the Ppi Pc 4800 to the Ppi 300.4 i got this as a gift from my Friend Jeff
  11. 4 - 15" Soundstream T4 subs enclosure 15.75cf after displacement @ 36Hz amps:2x Sundown Audio 1500d / Strapped - Master & Slave peek note 46Hz 152.7 @ 2ohm 154.1 @ 0.7ohm Subs facing up / Port facing up along the back window line pics too come later
  12. Lord Baccus

    MOJO 12"

    LP freq is set to high ? boxx has broken and is making noise ? wire from terminal cup too loose or too tight and slapping inside the boxx ?
  13. Lord Baccus

    The Mag is coming!

    okokok obviouslly we need to see some pics please
  14. Lord Baccus

    The Elephant Box

    will all of that internal bracing affect the turbulance in the air flow ???
  15. Lord Baccus

    i took the season Opener this weekend

    i spoke with Brandon ( SS Tech ) and he assured me that re-cones were available and if i needed any help it was there.... so far this sub is Impressive
  16. Lord Baccus

    i took the season Opener this weekend

    that was with the 4-15" last week im on to try and hitt that # with 1 sub
  17. Lord Baccus

    i took the season Opener this weekend

    Wow sorry you feel that way. ! im not that experanced with the SS XxX but i did load it into a 6cf enclosure ported @ 40Hz sub is wired to 1ohm. when i turned it on for the first time it was trying to dislocate my front dash in my 2000 Explorer and the rear doors were flapping so hard i could see daylight through the cracks... sub orentation is forward port fireing sideways. going to a car audio show this weekend FEB 10th going to build a 3cf boxx with 3 - 4"areoports tuned to 52Hz... soon sub forward port up... almost forgot ... mic last week was in Passangers Kick w/ drivers door open
  18. agreed Hifonics is the bottom of the food chain as far as i know... cant remember anyone having great deal to say on there behalf... i wont bore you with my i hate Hifonics Rant it sounds a lot like my i hate Rockfort Fosgate Rant... just me going on & on about how the products are defectice and there customer service is like we got your money so F-Off
  19. i just Wrapped my amps like we do the Cars & Trucks...
  20. Lord Baccus

    It's on NOW...

    indeed i put it in the explorer this weekend boxx is 6cf @ 40hz 3gallons of FG resin... the doors are trying too open on there own when the sub is pounding & the roof looks like its doing the WAVE @ a football game
  21. Thanks guys i changed becuse iv had the PPi Pc 4800 FOREVER, it is still in my house... i recieved the PPi Dcx 300.4 as a gift and i love the new look... it is not as powerful as the 4800 but just as clean... i am using all 4 ch to see how i like the seperation... i can get a lot more power out of it if i do the 2ch thing where its just Left / Right @ 2ohm but im trying to go SQ during the week and SPL on the weekends
  22. Lord Baccus

    It's on NOW...

    SS and I made up ! they approached me @ a show in Ft Worth and we reconciled our differences last yr, if it were not for there help i would not have been able to win Finals... blablabla... and the deal i got on this Monster was hard to pass up... How have things been with you ?
  23. Lord Baccus

    Sundown SPL Truck

    im not far behind ya with 2x 1500d SD Audio these amps RULE the competition lane...
  24. Lord Baccus

    i took the season Opener this weekend

    for competition ! Yes im going to see what 1 sub will do under a given set of test...
  25. Lord Baccus

    i took the season Opener this weekend

    $$$ depends on your trading skills i got it 1/3rd of retail cost and my Buddy came to my job today and gave me a PPi Dcx 300.4 in trade for a boxx @ 2 SoundStream spider 15" Grills