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Lord Baccus

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Everything posted by Lord Baccus

  1. Lord Baccus

    Spl Weekend

  2. Lord Baccus

    Spl Weekend

    ok ill try this ! as an example... if i measure from the placed sub/cone ---> to where the mic go's ( in the passenger Kick ) and i get 84" - translate that into FEET 7' - take 7x4 ( 4 / quarter wave ) gives me 28 so i take 28 & devide that into the speed of sound ( 1131 ) equals = 40.39Hz _________________________________________________________________ if i take that same 7x2=14 divided into the speed of sound ( 1131 ) = 80.78Hz so with this theory if you want to tune lower go for the 1/8th wave 7x8=56 divide 56 into 1131 = 20.19Hz for a Sq Monster... if im doing this wrong someone ( cough*M5///*cough) please feel free to step in and correct me
  3. Lord Baccus


    i did a 151.7db yesterday with 2 lil SAZ 1500d amps strapped @ 1ohm note was 54Hz come get some amps never got warm... oh did i mention it was only 1 sub ? with amps in foreground
  4. Lord Baccus

    Spl Weekend

    Thanks Guys im all hard core SPL weekend warrior if Jacob wants i can do a run of em and he can send em out with the amps like the one that came in the box ( white ) i can print anything then cut it for a decal all 3m w/ 3m lam my work # 972*960*7200 SpeedPro Imaging ask for Brian
  5. Lord Baccus

    Getting ready. . .

    D@mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm did you win the lottery ??? how do you afford all that cool stuff
  6. Lord Baccus

    fosgate t1000bd?

    get a Sundown SAZ 1500d.... your problems will go away when the RF amp go's away i have no problem with my Sundown Audio amps
  7. Lord Baccus

    Getting ready. . .

    what did you do with yer 4x15" Btls ?
  8. Lord Baccus

    Spl Weekend

    Thank you Good Sir i am testing an idea i had, what i do is measure the distance from the sub too where the mic will be placed then convert the inchs into feet / times 4 / gives me the quarter wave # / i take that # and devide it into the speed of sound 1131 and get the Freq i need to port the box to if i do it x2 i get the 1/2 wave and a lower tuning freq.... for street beet then i look for a sub with an Fs of 34 or higher and Bammmmmmmmm
  9. Lord Baccus

    Spl Weekend

    That decal is pimp. Jake needs to do a run of em. all he has do do is call me i can get er Done i need bigger SD amps & a Nightshade 15" !!!
  10. Lord Baccus

    New Toy

    im Sure Uhal would rent ya a moving truck
  11. Lord Baccus

    Spl Weekend

    im supprised noone asked about the redickulesslly thick faceplate on the boxx 2.5" thick did not have time too FG Resin the inside of the boxx, or add 45 degree angles and tweek etc etc etc: one of these days ill get too be on the sundown audio Team page
  12. Lord Baccus

    Spl Weekend

    i am out of flyers too pass out @ the shows ! everyone was asking about the amps agine
  13. Lord Baccus

    Spl Weekend

    Yes i have tried different positioning and subs forward / Ports up along the back window line yield the highist SPL ! if i lay the box on its back and fire the subs up & port to the rear i lose 2.3db
  14. Lord Baccus

    Spl Weekend

    and the amps Thank you i have allways wanted to break the 150db Barrier with a single sub i beat a guy with 4 15" DD 9515's yesterday anyone digging the new SD decal ??? i took pics of the sun setting @ the lake & dropped it in as background for the cut text
  15. Lord Baccus

    From: Spl Weekend

    sorry re-post ?
  16. Lord Baccus

    My 2 Fi 15 BL Wall In Civic

    what is the wall ported too ???
  17. Lord Baccus

    What is your box ported to?

    for a boxx that small im going to assume you have 12" sub ? IMO you should go bigger with more SQin port !!! small boxx's dont do it for me im rollin dailly @ 36Hz / 7cf / 1- 15"
  18. Lord Baccus

    Level 3 - 10" sub cone area

    what does all of this affect ? the SQ or SPL ? pretend im an Uneducated Southerner, when giving the explination please well im am but thats not the point... or is it ?
  19. Lord Baccus

    tryin to catch me ridin dirty.

    its gotta be the HID headlights... maybe the head rest tv's dont match the seats and that draws there atention???? just clownnin bro that car is clean... but that car is tame here in Dallas Tx, Tru's i like the spoke look ... the crome spinner look is played !
  20. Lord Baccus

    Sundown Audio

    i would love to give you an UnBias oppinion ! but alass i cannot ! after using the off the shelf / common crapp then switching to Sundown Audio amps, there is no compairison Sundow Audio Amps Kick@ss and take names... i took Finals @ 2 different Shows in 2007' 1 in Frisco Tx & 1 @ Ft Worth Tx thats me in the overalls
  21. iv got to start hunting on ebay !!!
  22. Lord Baccus

    tryin to catch me ridin dirty.

    me? Yess lets see what were dealing with here ! why they keep harrassing you i roll stealth / please excuse the taped up doors make it hard for em to pick me out of a crowd
  23. Lord Baccus

    Pap Moab

    as of now 3... i sold 2 last week and had 5 total. building a 3cf with 2x 4" Aeroports this weekend. and an X1 cab in the works... i like too build & experiment... stagnant water draws mosquito's !!! i have toys too play with
  24. Lord Baccus

    Pap Moab

    never had kinetiks i have Nsb 125 & 90 batterys under the amp rack