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Lord Baccus

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Everything posted by Lord Baccus

  1. Lord Baccus

    Initial SPL 12 SPL testing

    well i would offer suggestions based on my REAL world SPL competitions that i go to twice a month all year long, but as it does not pertain to Mach subs directlly the post will be removed and they will ask me to start a thread off topic Sorry when did Mach start making these other subs ? RE MT DD 9512 IA DP did anyone get pics of the test being conducted ?
  2. Lord Baccus

    3.1 ft^3 tuned 32hz

    none whatso ever !!! oh ya crank it up till you cant hear it rattell anymore
  3. Lord Baccus

    From: Initial SPL 12 SPL testing

    were doing a lil testing of our own here in Big D TX we have built a box for a single 12" SoundStream Spl-x Quad coil and w/ 2x SAZ1500d amps strapped Master & Slave w/ 1x Kenitik 2000 battery we got a 151.3db in a Crystler Sebring, from the trunk. box was 2cf ported @ 60Hz using 2x aeroports, flanges butt to butt with no center section, basiclly 6"
  4. Lord Baccus

    Nice day at TBP...

    Yess an IB with an 18" will work fine... but we will have to so some serious work. this week is Codys boxx build.
  5. Lord Baccus

    3.1 ft^3 tuned 32hz

    sub orentation ??? up -down -left -right -side ??? never mind i see it facing down Sweeeeeeeeeet build
  6. Lord Baccus

    Nice day at TBP...

    Ummmmmmmm im not so sure !!! thats a hell of a jump from 140.8db to 153db ??? something does not add up with what Kemon said ???
  7. Lord Baccus

    From: Initial SPL 12 SPL testing

    This is what others mean when they talk about you hijacking threads. This has nothing to do with SPL 12 testing, or Mach 5 Audio in general. yall are getting on my nerves. just posting a RELATED TOPIC ie. ( 12" sub ) let me see the other subs tested were they all Mach subs ??? RE MT SPL 12 DD 9512 IA DP we are using SunDown Audio amps ! test was preformed with oh let me see if i can remember ?????????? oh ya Sundown Audio amps !!!!!!!!!!!!! please find someone elst to Jocky on !!! i posted the results of a test we are conducting here in Dallas/Ft Worth Tx using almost the same equipment... i am shareing info on box size - port freq / power used / freq used what did i miss ? im trying to help others get loud... hell you can have the freeking box design if ya like but quit riddin my @ss was not intended as a Thread Jacking. Sorry didnot know this was a closed discussion or promotional thread for the SPL 12 / my bad
  8. Lord Baccus

    Nice day at TBP...

    we were discussing both options accually Jeff you did not tell me you beat a guy with 4x 18" subs and 5600watts ??!!?? Fra Freekin out. i was told the owner of CC that held the event was LESS THAN HAPPY that you beat all of his installed cars... with a single 12" sub they cant F-with Team Gorilla Pimpin
  9. Lord Baccus

    I be new here!

    WeLcOmE ::: im the SPL Nut of the Group...
  10. Lord Baccus

    Let us not forget

    Common guys i cant be the only guy that takes G-Pics anyone else got any
  11. Lord Baccus

    Let us not forget

    MEH ??? my short hand sucks ??? sorry
  12. Lord Baccus

    Initial SPL 12 SPL testing

    I think a SAZ 3000d @ 17.7v is about as real as it's going to get, 5k on a 12" sub is Gorilla Pimpin
  13. Lord Baccus

    Let us not forget

    I respectfully disagree,,, this is On Topic
  14. Lord Baccus

    Let us not forget

    you and me both i like the 3 asians myself wish i were somewhere in the middle of that sandwitch...
  15. Lord Baccus

    Let us not forget

    never noticed its all about the T&A for me
  16. Lord Baccus

    Let us not forget

  17. Lord Baccus

    Installed MLA controler

    heres a bad pic of the batterys onder the amp rack !!! Yess iv cleaned it up a great deal sense this pic was taken... only can see 1 battery here but there is another on the other side of the 1 seen
  18. Lord Baccus

    Installed MLA controler

    battery @ rest before install after installing device w/ motor running added positive lead to battery tied down till i get some loom the device, till i permenantly mount it on the wall the collector battery battery @ rest after driving to work and back home
  19. Lord Baccus

    Installed MLA controler

    i know the bass feels stronger !!! but all i know is last night i was watching the voltage on my DMM wile pounding and it never dropped below 13.8v and if the Optima becomes a problem it will go !!! my Sponsor can get any battery i want for me @ cost i have 2x NSB under the amp rack that were not pictured... 1x 125ah 1x 90ah
  20. Lord Baccus

    Initial SPL 12 SPL testing

    there is a guy here in Dallas that has 3 of their 18" in a wall, tuned pretty low doing upper mid 145's but his is set up for music, iv never seen 1 out of the box
  21. Lord Baccus

    Initial SPL 12 SPL testing

    Great read ??? who makes the SPL 12" ???
  22. Lord Baccus

    Nice day at TBP...

    congrats between the two of us were going to 1 sub em too death Now we need to get Cody, a Sundown Audio amp and just hammer the point home after i get his new boxx built this week
  23. my 0.2 cents: get a better HU
  24. Lord Baccus

    Installed MLA controler

    Oh, c'mon, being around a battery in thermal runaway is fun allways count on you for a positive out look why all the "Spector of DooM" stuff guys ? Chris said they have tested this device on a 97' F-150 with a stock alt & Battery for 3yrs without a problem !!!
  25. Lord Baccus

    Finally got metered

    Dammmmmmmm son dont get twisted !!! did not meat to JACK a thread !!! was just pokin fun @ what yall think is a lotta port area your right he did great for having 1000watts !!! no disrespect intended to a Hardcore compitior. put some Ice on the additude please and as for the box i posted it did a 148.7db with a ( directed Audio 1100d ) if you need any help getting to the 150db mark Pm me allways happy to share info Death to the dinky sub setups...