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Lord Baccus

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Everything posted by Lord Baccus

  1. Lord Baccus


    None what so ever thing works like a Charm... before i had it the batterys rested @ 12.79v after installing the Missing Link Audio my batterys rest cold @ 13.11v when i Start the SPLXplorer it boots up to about 15.2v, and after the alt is warm it backs off to 14.9v... i got a Stinger Digital Volt Meter so i can keep an eye on it wile im driving and not have to fumbell with a Dmm on a scale of 1/10 i give it a 10+ thanks... do you know what your running hot alt voltage was before??? cause im close to that hot voltage already... but my cold rest voltage is 12.9 or so.... when you do slp.. do you idol? and is that when you see the bigest result a cold run on the TL persay. before installing the device my Alt ramped up to 14.4v and after the alt got warm it backed off to 13.8v after installing the device my Alt ramped up to 15.2v and after the alt got warm it backed off to 14.9v when im in the lane and getting ready to burppppppppppppppppppppppp i hold the idle @ 2000RPM for Maxximum voltage when the SunDown SAZ3000d Amp's Hitt allways remember to wear Protection you cant go to walmart and buy a new set of eardrumbs
  2. Lord Baccus


    we are going to Dominate the Opposition
  3. Lord Baccus


    Better make sure you get permission from that hooters girl before you use her picture like that Bro thats just Wrong
  4. Lord Baccus


    None what so ever thing works like a Charm... before i had it the batterys rested @ 12.79v after installing the Missing Link Audio my batterys rest cold @ 13.11v when i Start the SPLXplorer it boots up to about 15.2v, and after the alt is warm it backs off to 14.9v... i got a Stinger Digital Volt Meter so i can keep an eye on it wile im driving and not have to fumbell with a Dmm on a scale of 1/10 i give it a 10+
  5. Lord Baccus


    I have to admit these things are Impressive too say the least... a better description is Twin monsters... powering a Pap ) Pierce Audio Products- Beast Sub
  6. Lord Baccus


    Oooo Ya i got tha Battery Power. i have an Optima Yellow to start the SPLXplorer and 2x Northstar Nsb batterys under the Amp Rack with a Missing Link Audio Altenator colltroler that boots up @ 15.6v and tapers off to 14.9v idel http://www.northstarsoesterberg.nl/agm-acc...ecificaties.pdf http://www.missinglinkaudio.com/ with the Gain on 0 Bass Boost on 0 Sub-Preout on 0 Sub wired to 2ohm Amps Master/Slaved seeing 1ohm ea Box 36Hz i drowned out 4x 15" yesterday and i can assure you EVERYONE took notice. @ 3 different audio shops in Dallas Tx oh forgot to mention last week i got 6x 8v batterys can ya guess what iv got in mind this is going on the back of our Team T-shirts
  7. Lord Baccus

    2 18's in a Ford Ranger

    Very Nice install !!! what amp are you using for the subs ?
  8. Lord Baccus


    His daughter? Darwin has really, really failed if LB has a daughter CHEEP SHOT : uncalled for
  9. Lord Baccus


    Girl's like WINNERS... notice I'm holding 3 trophy's... because i have "A FALSE SENSE OF SECURITY"
  10. Lord Baccus


    i'm ignoring' yall
  11. Lord Baccus

    mini cooper wall thread, version 2

    amazing woodworking skill
  12. Lord Baccus


    Hate to say this to you man. But where I come from your score talks for you. You are also not taking into account that USACI, Iasca and dB drag all have different rules. Instead of calling someone out in a forum, I think it's time to charge your batteries, freeze your motors and go head to head. Realizing that your cars are built for different organizations, compete in different classes and your vehicles are not comparable. I will bet that both of you have talent, but a ring or a certificate means nothing. Well said
  13. Lord Baccus


    not worth a responce.
  14. Lord Baccus

    far freeking out

    yesterday i was making a point............. i pulled out the old 2x15" box and barrowed my old T4 15" subs from my teammate first run 152.1db second run 153.1db third run 153.4db on 12v with the Missing link Audio device kicking it up too 15.2v was hoping Rexzilla would show up and see the Smerk on my face !!! he doe's 152db with a wall & 6 subs he made the comment that he had beat me !!! i think not if the best he can do is a 152db with 6 subs, he needs to go back to Usuck and play big shot there !!! wait till i get a second Sundown 3000d Tax return bebe edit : oh snapp i forgot to mention that i picked up 6- 8v batterys yesterday 16v here i come
  15. Lord Baccus

    far freeking out

    i was clipping a lil and when i turned it down a lil went from 152.1 to 153.1 then turned off the signal processor and turned the gain all the way down / off and went to 153.4db I love this freekin Amp
  16. Lord Baccus

    far freeking out

    anyone ???
  17. Lord Baccus

    far freeking out

    Thanks Doug im just a lil urped @ him !!! he keeps apporching my team member trying to get him to go to his house... just get a creepy vibe from him. and that sm@rt@ss comment he made over on TBP about he beat me and i should deal with it... oh well i just wanted to send a message that 152db does in NO way give me cause to panic and iv made plans to insure higher SPL #s
  18. Lord Baccus

    far freeking out

    Opps i forgot to add a curious fact: the lower i turned the gain on the amp the higher my score went !!! any theroies ??? when i did the 153.4db the gain was on the floor 0 and bass bost was 1/4
  19. Lord Baccus

    WV BASS WARS: May 17th

    where is WV ???
  20. Lord Baccus

    NightShades Installed. #s Inside.

    I tried subs forward & ports up this afternoon and lost 1db. So I tried it with the mic in the kick and still lost 1db compared to subs up & port back. was your box all the way back to the rear window ? passenger seat all the way forward ? passenger visor 1/2 way down - glove box open ???
  21. Lord Baccus

    Replacing 2 BTL 12's with 2 lvl 5 15's

    it was an Honor to be beat by you i know my place 4x 15" & 4x IA 40.1 = IMPRESSIVE anyway you look at it
  22. Lord Baccus

    Color code ???

    Ummmmmm i was joking
  23. Lord Baccus

    Color code ???

    on the main page if you scroll to the bottom where it list all the members loggen in : what do the different colors represent ? time logged in ? # of post ? Mood ?
  24. Lord Baccus

    Color code ???

    im not doin anything whats the differance between a Mod & Super Mod ??? about 5 letters Mods just have powers in 1 or 2 sections, while Super Mods have powers in all parts of the board Ahhhhhhhhh very nice i wanna be a Mod Tha DON of SPL .... Bow and kiss tha Ring of da Don be Nice or ill Smack yazzz good joking