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Everything posted by bolo88

  1. bolo88

    1ohm or 2ohm

    I have a Soundstream Reference 500sx rated at 500 watts in 1ohm & 2ohm, is there a difference in sound quality in the different load and what about subs, does it make a difference in sound quality if you have a dual 1ohm or a dual 4ohm sub wired at 2ohm load are there any differences in sound quality.
  2. I'm looking for good sq for under $300 shipped, i have a sound stream reference 500sx will be in a 89 golf gti. Considering Audiopulse Epic, JLaudio 10w3, Image Dynamics IDQ10v3, or a Sound Splinter RL-i 10 will be runned @2ohm. I now have a 8" old school boston acoustics sub mounted in a bazooka, planing to build a sealed enclosure, what type of enclosure would be best suited for a hatchback.
  3. I currently use a Lanzar Mxa252 2channel amp to run the dual 4ohm 15"l7 in a 1.5 cu ft. sealed enclosure. Looking for a amp to run the L7 1000rms@2ohm under $300 shipped, Soundstream Picasso PCX1500D for $287 on ebay or HIFONICS BRUTUS BXi1610D for $232 on ebay both are 1100@2ohm. Any other options would help.
  4. bolo88

    10" subwoofer, which to choose???

    Are Reaudio se or sx any good.
  5. bolo88

    10" subwoofer, which to choose???

    A pair of Focal's up front, just a pair of 5.25 components the guy at the Focal dealer sold me for $120 and in the rear some old school MB Quarts 6.5 components my bro gave me, not sure what model they,re powered by a old school AG series Zapco 4 channel amp.