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Mark LaFountain

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Everything posted by Mark LaFountain

  1. Mark LaFountain

    how much for amp and sub

    you can only by FI direct from them at www.ficaraudio.com however, the US amps, we'll PM you a quote. thanks for your interest, be in touch soon.
  2. Mark LaFountain

    Pic of Mag 15's and system

    your trunk must hate you
  3. Mark LaFountain

    2 12" icons

    Sure, if you set your gains accordinly, that would be great, and you'll have power to spare!
  4. Mark LaFountain


    looks great so far...
  5. Mark LaFountain

    AA Products (18)

    the cart software actually shows a number higher then the actuall products available. It has to do with the way the products are catagorized. Cube Cart bug really. I'm sure that answered your question, anything else I can help with?
  6. Mark LaFountain

    Fi Demo in Hawaii

    great job!
  7. Mark LaFountain

    Sundown show off in Hawaii

    send them all over, we can deff cut some deals for SSA members and referalls. Did you get any pics of the event?
  8. Mark LaFountain

    Just ordered my SAE-1000D

    just procesed your order, thanks again! tracking info should follow soon!
  9. Mark LaFountain

    NOOB trying to order speakers please help!!!!

    you have to go and buy direct from they're website at http://www.FIcaraudio.com if you have any problems, just contact them on this forum (their section) or email them. Great guys, great service, great product. and welcome to SSA
  10. Mark LaFountain

    2 12" icons

    I believe acex3a set up is very simular to what your looking to do. I heard his recently w/2 12" ICOND2's and sounds incredible to me. Very sharp and defined, yet hard and loud all at once. lol anyways, you find out as soon as you give them a try
  11. well after a long long time, SSA has built a myspace page. Hopefully it can bring in new members and remind old members that we're here. Looking forward to seeing what this new addition can bring to our community. http://www.myspace.com/soundsolutionsaudio also added the link to the top bar in the "graphite" skin. Enjoy denim edit: Facebook group is created, just search "Sound Solutions Audio"
  12. Mark LaFountain

    SSA vs RE SX

    I can't really remember, mabye shiznilty will chime in, he might know
  13. Mark LaFountain

    SSA vs RE SX

    I wouldn't say a little bit of pound. The ICON can play some serious low notes. As you can see in this short video, it flexs my winsheild..that video doesn't do it much justice either. http://s113.photobucket.com/albums/n228/SH...t=SSA15ICON.flv basically the only way for you to truley believe is to hear them in person. You truley can't go wrong with them.
  14. thanks DD, as usuall, very helpfull
  15. Mark LaFountain

    astro van vids

    great vids? did you have any pics from the build?
  16. Mark LaFountain

    Assasain 8 troubles!

    Told he was the right guy to talk to. Customer service is allways number one! Just another reason we like having him around SSA.
  17. Mark LaFountain

    Havoc 18s

    can't wait to see the build log for this one
  18. Well, Acidburn, Beatdominator, Johnecon2000, and I went up to Prescott AZ today for a local meet and greet, and they had a mic up there so I thought, what the hell, was wondering what my ICON 15's would do with just 1500 watts to them would do. Conditions: - Amps had been on all day and where very very hot to the touch - Subs have been beat'n on all day long showing people and giving demos, coils where allready heated up when this score was taken. - Enclosure tuned to 35hz for street beat, not a good recipe for SPL, but never the lesss, keep that in mind. All in all this set up could easially break the 150db mark if everything was cooled down and had a fresh burp. THe ICON's did a 149.8 (please keep in mind this is only 1500 watts) We won the best looking most creative trophie of all time (Troy_audio's creation, lol) All in all, SSA is very pleased with this subs ability to be a great SQ sub, but also be able to handle some abuse. Was a good turn out up there in prescott and everyone seemed to have a good time, lots of pic's where taken by the other guys and hopefully they'll post em up here in this thread.
  19. Mark LaFountain

    If I wall it off...

    how many subs, how close will they be to the seats, how much power, how much space.?
  20. Mark LaFountain

    Got Metered in the Magnum

    pics please!
  21. Mark LaFountain

    2 12" icons

    that should work just fine then. Sounds like great set up.
  22. lookn great. Didn't know you where a mechanic either. Good job.
  23. Mark LaFountain

    2 12" icons

    is that box 2.2/ea sub or 2.2 total box size?
  24. Mark LaFountain

    been lurking for a while

    welcome aboard!