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Mark LaFountain

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Everything posted by Mark LaFountain

  1. Mark LaFountain

    AZCollegeLife.com 6 SSA ICON Wall build

    Video is in. This is when we took it to the show. People really liked it. I'll have pics of the show up later. first burp ever. cPQWA2jgmoc @the show [CA-F Video]tSJWrQZbr52GjLLLKSMp.flv[/CA-F Video]
  2. Mark LaFountain

    AZCollegeLife.com 6 SSA ICON Wall build

    ya, we still have tons of work to do to get this where we want it, but we got alotttt done for just 24hrs I think. Still recovering. Stayed up 36hrs to get to that show.
  3. Mark LaFountain

    AZCollegeLife.com 6 SSA ICON Wall build

    Just loud daily. It's strickly to promote AZcollegelife.com and what not, just a big daily bumper.
  4. Mark LaFountain

    AZCollegeLife.com 6 SSA ICON Wall build

  5. Mark LaFountain

    AZCollegeLife.com 6 SSA ICON Wall build

  6. Mark LaFountain

    AZCollegeLife.com 6 SSA ICON Wall build

    Ok, well me moved the build to KreepnKustom's shop in Mesa AZ, they are a customization shop that specializes in Air Suspension. There's a few pics of the cars laying around the shope while we where there finishing up.
  7. Mark LaFountain

    AZCollegeLife.com 6 SSA ICON Wall build

  8. Mark LaFountain

    AZCollegeLife.com 6 SSA ICON Wall build

  9. Mark LaFountain

    AZCollegeLife.com 6 SSA ICON Wall build

  10. Mark LaFountain

    AZCollegeLife.com 6 SSA ICON Wall build

    Ok, it's getting there. This build will go down in the books for the coolest single day build of all time for me.
  11. Mark LaFountain

    AZCollegeLife.com 6 SSA ICON Wall build

  12. Mark LaFountain

    AZCollegeLife.com 6 SSA ICON Wall build

  13. Mark LaFountain

    John's build for (2) 18" SSA prototype high output

    finally....I cut the holes! this thing looks sexy. IMO anyways.
  14. Mark LaFountain

    Started a another new build today -1997 Tahoe 2-Door

    I'm working on getting some pics of the truck. This will make for one great rides page though.
  15. Mark LaFountain

    2x 40.1 3x 15" DP = IA Loudness!

    that is one sexy box, good work.
  16. Mark LaFountain

    Finally put in my Icon 15!!!

    and vids ya, pics = rides page on the website.
  17. Mark LaFountain

    John's build for (2) 18" SSA prototype high output

    attaching the baffle today...
  18. Mark LaFountain

    John's build for (2) 18" SSA prototype high output

    switched picture host, should work now. ^
  19. Mark LaFountain

    3 subs

    I would prefer option two as long as they where strapped.
  20. Mark LaFountain

    car alarm?

    Viper 5900 pager/remote start/alarm w/1 mile range and two Pager remotes. Dual shock zones, Dual motion zones. Loving it.
  21. Mark LaFountain

    John's build for (2) 18" SSA prototype high output

    ok, updates are in. Got a brace between the woofers mounted in today, after the double baffle goes on should be plenty sturdy enough. Tomorrow, i'll put on the baffle and cut out the holes, paint the port etc...anyways, on to the pics.
  22. Mark LaFountain

    15" icon boxes

    Johnecon and I tested one in 9.2ft^3 w/139in^2 of port and sounded amazing. They are pretty flexible IMO of box size. Boils down to what type of sound your wanting?
  23. Mark LaFountain

    Kicker or ssa

    The open box 15" we have for sale has been sold and pending payment. I can get you a brand new if you'd like. PM me and i'll shave a little off the price of it for you since you where intending on buying a the openbox sub.
  24. Mark LaFountain

    John's build for (2) 18" SSA prototype high output

    should get a good amount of work done on this box this week. Thinking tomorrow or the next day of finishing the box. Stay tuned
  25. Mark LaFountain

    Scrap wood box

    finally bought an air nailer...just had to try it out. threw this together last night with a bunch of scrap peices I had, some I used for a resin collector some I used for a paint back drop, lol 4.0ft^3 w/81in^2PORT @ 39hz...