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Mark LaFountain

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Everything posted by Mark LaFountain

  1. Mark LaFountain

    SSA Dcon's are ready to ship!!

    Shipping out about 6 of these today, so hopefully we'll get some video feedback from them.
  2. Mark LaFountain


    gotta love that video feature.
  3. Mark LaFountain

    Sundown Monster 15" Wall Socket

    holy shit!
  4. Mark LaFountain

    SSA ICON + SAZ-3KD :)

    We did a really fun build this last few days with some great amps. Thought i'd throw a topic in this section incase the sundown guys didn't get a chance to see it. See the whole build here: http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=24203 video:
  5. Mark LaFountain

    Unreal products

    x2. lol
  6. Mark LaFountain


  7. Mark LaFountain


    adding a media gallery now. Enjoy this one. Streams live from youtube.
  8. Mark LaFountain

    SSA ICON + SAZ-3KD :)

    Not true. x2 +1 it think its impressive that an icon can take that power wired at 1 ohm it can't. We have the amp all the way down and really baby it. ICONs aren't intended on taking this much power. It was just the only amp we had to use. So we went with it. We'll be dropping in an XCON as soon as they come out.
  9. Mark LaFountain

    SSA ICON + SAZ-3KD :)

  10. Mark LaFountain


    PM sent. You know you're gonna be featured on here.
  11. Mark LaFountain


    Basically, first step is to run some of our subs, from there you'll have to be approved by our intense approval process to get in (Aaron & I have to approve you.)
  12. Mark LaFountain


    well thats the point. To keep it all uniform when you click from one site to the next. It will have alot more moving content and some flash tricks when i'm done with it.
  13. Mark LaFountain


    Starting to build the website tonight for anyone who'd like to follow along. Please keep comments to yourself untill we've announced that the site is done. It will go through alot of changes in the next day (content wise) It's built on the same template the subwoofers page is with totally diff color scheme, yet holds some uniformity. http://www.teamssaudio.com
  14. Mark LaFountain

    Sundown Audio SAZ-3000Ds $750 shipped!

    we are not sure how long this will last as of right now.
  15. Mark LaFountain

    Black Toyota Fortuner

    damn! this must be the same guy with the astro right? He does great! work!
  16. Mark LaFountain

    (1) SSA ICON 15D2 x (1) SAZ-3000D x sealed = fun :) VID Page 6

    What does the title say? the magnet looks a little small for a Icon is it a ICON or a DCON. I have only seen the 10" ICON and the magnet looks huge on them. What is the 15 rated for RMS?? Thats becuase all the ICONs use the same motor assembly. So the motor will look smaller on the 15" basket. All ICONs are rated @ 1000wRMS
  17. Mark LaFountain

    (1) SSA ICON 15D2 x (1) SAZ-3000D x sealed = fun :) VID Page 6

    this one is secured from the tail light cubby whole, and the cables are so tight on it, it won't move.
  18. Mark LaFountain

    SSA ICON + SAZ-3KD :)

    we'll get better day vids tomorrow or the next day
  19. Mark LaFountain

    (1) SSA ICON 15D2 x (1) SAZ-3000D x sealed = fun :) VID Page 6

    Yeah I helped with Scion TC G-Wizz info that actually helped quite a bit. (window trick....lol) But as far as the build, I kinda just watched and learned. Mark is a man of knowledge when it comes to car audio. As far as triple team, I'm pretty sure you mean the guy who made amp rack. Yup I did mean Blen, but your TC knowledge was pretty extrordinary!
  20. Mark LaFountain

    (1) SSA ICON 15D2 x (1) SAZ-3000D x sealed = fun :) VID Page 6

    I think you would really love this one Jordan. Too bad you weren't here to help out. We really triple teamed this one to get it done in two days.
  21. Mark LaFountain

    (1) SSA ICON 15D2 x (1) SAZ-3000D x sealed = fun :) VID Page 6

    look up! Just posted a vid. lol
  22. Mark LaFountain

    (1) SSA ICON 15D2 x (1) SAZ-3000D x sealed = fun :) VID Page 6

    You where literally the first to hear it Video is here! You made the final cut also. Would this be your youtube debut?