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Mark LaFountain

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Everything posted by Mark LaFountain

  1. Mark LaFountain

    Thinking of getting a HDTV

    doesn't look to be 1080p, but sharp makes a sick tv. I have a 47" Sharp Aquos, and hands down the best i've every owned. Good luck
  2. Mark LaFountain

    SPL in F-150 Reg Cab (04-08)

    I would guess sub up & port up.
  3. Mark LaFountain

    DC Audio lvl4xl and sundown saz3000

    great looking set. Very clean box as well. Good work.
  4. Mark LaFountain

    newbie with a plan!

    Sounds like a great set up there. Enjoy Welcome to the forums.
  5. Mark LaFountain

    Sundown Audio SAZ-3000Ds $750 shipped!

    allways current model
  6. Mark LaFountain

    Strangest place you have been, while browsing SSA

    at a "competitors store, on their main computer" Felt weird.
  7. Mark LaFountain

    Sub for Small Sealed Enclosure and Lower Power

    could you invert it? this is seriously small. After sub displacment you're looking at .68ft^3. You might be hard pressed to find any 12 that will sound good in that size enclosure.
  8. Mark LaFountain

    Sundown Audio SAZ-3000Ds $750 shipped!

  9. Mark LaFountain

    Sub for Small Sealed Enclosure and Lower Power

    SSA makes a perfect match for you. The DCON. Here's the info on them: http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/products/dcon.html 2"” wide, 4 layer, copper coils Push terminals Pulp Fiber Cone Dual NOMEX spiders FEA optimized motor 2" Anodized alum. former Heavy Duty Lead wires Hand crafted in USA Fs 29.4hz Re 7.8 Qms 4.09 Qes .33 Qts .31 mms 105g Xmax 16mm Vas 37.8 Sd 309 cm^2 BL 21.7 SPL 86.6 1W/1m Wattage: 300wRMS Displacement: 0.10ft^3 Enclosure Recommendations: Sealed: .75 cu.ft. Sealed: .90 cu.ft. optimal Ported: 1.00 cu.ft. @ 28-33 hz Ported: 1.25 cu.ft. @ 28-33hz opt. Sub Outside Dia.: 11.000
  10. Mark LaFountain


  11. Mark LaFountain


  12. I walked out my front door today and heard this weird noise, so I look up, and right above my house was the fucking good year blimp lol. Had to take some pics.
  13. Mark LaFountain

    Driving with a C-Pillar wall

    get those add on rounded mirror to mount on your side mirrors and you're all set.
  14. Mark LaFountain


    Jonecon2001 from SSA took me Off roading yesterday for the first time. I thought it was pretty damn fun. Thought i'd share the landscape and a few pics with you guys since it's soo different out here in the desert. and i'm whipping up a video of some sweet climbs we did. To bad my camera died though, could of had alot more.
  15. Ok, check this out guys, I just installed a real PHP driven poker site for all to use. Great chat room as well. Just go there, sign up and play with who ever! Play poker with all your online and forum buddies from all over the net! Still working on the layout of a few pages, but software works great. Try it out. Each Account starts out with $1000 (credits) **WORKS BEST WITH IE** http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/poker
  16. The price on these have finally fallen into the "affordable" category for us, so we bought one against our better judgment. But man is this car awesome! 306hp, and shifts like it's on drugs.
  17. Mark LaFountain

    Thanks Trevor:p

  18. Mark LaFountain

    The mazda

    clean looking install. Great job.
  19. Mark LaFountain


    agreed, that banner is sexy as hell!!!!! there's now 5 different header images that rotate...enjoy
  20. Mark LaFountain

    Got Laid Off

    well.....change is allways good. Good luck
  21. Mark LaFountain

    Box for 8-10's

    sweet box. I wonder how it will sound with those two front subs... never heard a box with this configuration..
  22. Mark LaFountain

    Four 10" Icon enclosure (termlab Video...143.6 @ 10hz)

    I want ti hear the XCONS soo bad after hearing the way that I ICONS pound They must be sick Don't worry, you will hear them soon. Trevor has already got dibbs on the first production Xcon's. And a pair on that amp is going to just be flat out nutty. ahhhhh, I think he wants a treo of them
  23. Mark LaFountain


    yup, it's all fixed now. Steaming from our servers now instead of depending on youtube. It went nutty last night when trying to stream them all from youtube, so I fixed this problem by hosting them ourselves.