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Mark LaFountain

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Everything posted by Mark LaFountain

  1. Mark LaFountain

    17 year old SSA Build

    all right all right, where is the 2 million pictures your brother took of this box? I know he did...... I was there
  2. Mark LaFountain

    Thumppers Ford Windstar Ground Pounder

    oh snap. XCONs are getting alot closer....
  3. Mark LaFountain

    the "(2) XCON 18s" build....2009

    The funny part is i'm putting this off to finish your site. Thank me later, and your welcome
  4. Mark LaFountain

    17 year old SSA Build

    good to know. When you shipping me mine?
  5. Mark LaFountain

    Another SSA Build

    lol u still gonna router the sub cutouts for me me?! You better buy me a new router bit then.
  6. Mark LaFountain

    Another SSA Build

  7. Mark LaFountain

    the "(2) XCON 18s" build....2009

    2007 Hyundai Santa Fe Limited AWD
  8. Mark LaFountain

    the "(2) XCON 18s" build....2009

    john, you couldn't handle this one
  9. Mark LaFountain

    the "(2) XCON 18s" build....2009

  10. Mark LaFountain

    DP 12" in a Regular Cab Dodge

    thats one hell of a great job on that box. especially for a high school kid! Wow, very impressed.
  11. Mark LaFountain

    1996 Oldsmobile Aurora enclosure

    I want a van that will do 165 on music...... lols I'm sure you'll find some help here. Welcome to SSA!
  12. Mark LaFountain

    Sundown Rides Pages

    http://www.sundownaudio.com/rides.html Jacob has decided to give me the go ahead to take over the rides section on the sundown website. What this means is basically the page will be updated in a very short turn around from the time pics and stats are submitted. IF you want your spot on the sundown web page just submit the following. Stats ------------------------------ Name: Sponsors: Processing: Front Stage: Rear Stage: Amplifiers: Subwoofer(s): Enclosure: Other Equipment: Vehicle Mod's: ------------------------------ Pics. As many as you got! Video: Link to your video as well. send all requests to rides@sundownaudio.com
  13. Mark LaFountain

    The "X"con 12" prototype has arrived

    update: we are getting very close on these. Just awaiting a small shipment of parts (5 days) and our new dust caps to be printed and we are in business
  14. Mark LaFountain

    Just for duran!!!

    this was very funny. lolz
  15. Mark LaFountain

    idq10v3 vs ss rl-i10

    ICON would do nicely in that set up.
  16. Mark LaFountain


    is there a reason you have a box tuned so high? Also that amp only does 1200wRMS @ 4 ohm, make sure you bass boost of on zero and you "gain knob" is respectable. I think you're trying to hard to get this loud and your clipping the living hell out of it.
  17. Mark LaFountain

    Another SSA Build

  18. Mark LaFountain

    SAZ-3500D Pre-Order

    the cat is out of the bag. Can't wait for these, gonna be a perfect match up for my XCONs.
  19. Mark LaFountain

    Another SSA Build

    so wait....this looks like a wall? Thought you where going a different route? I'm liking the wall idea better
  20. Mark LaFountain


    welcome to SSA!
  21. Mark LaFountain


    email sent.
  22. Mark LaFountain

    What is the fastest you have gone

    155mph in a 1994 Camaro on the interstate. I was driving. And yes it was very stupid, but hey, I was young.
  23. Mark LaFountain

    FI BL 15 enclosure build

    awesome. can't wait to get mine in the mail
  24. Mark LaFountain


    triple check your subwoofer wiring and make sure you have that correct. I know it sounds stupid, but things can be easily over looked.
  25. Mark LaFountain

    Mercedes Benz E55 AMG goes Sundown Audio

    This ride made it to the rides page.. enjoy http://sundownaudio.com/rides_e55.html