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Mark LaFountain

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Everything posted by Mark LaFountain

  1. Mark LaFountain

    Icon recone?

    I'll look into this for you.....
  2. Mark LaFountain

    get your SSA stickers yet?

    Only the big stickers I can change the colors on and they'll have to be special order obviously. I'll keep you posted on those...
  3. Mark LaFountain

    get your SSA stickers yet?

    Well, i'm sure I can make that happen. I have a new sticker shop i'm working with at the moment.
  4. Mark LaFountain

    a chick in the back seat of a Mustang

    You mean "girlfriend" **cough** yes, thats what I meant.
  5. Mark LaFountain

    A few new members for TeamSSaudio

    I'll add some photos once he's on the team for sure.
  6. Mark LaFountain

    the "(2) XCON 18s" build....2009

    subs are being built up, just waiting on the dust caps to come back from the printers. Hopefully not much longer..... cross your fingers and knock on your head (wood)
  7. Mark LaFountain

    2nd Generation of Sundown

    congrats. hope you enjoyed your sleep while you could. lols
  8. Mark LaFountain

    Team Stickers :)

    forgot to mention, 23" x 8.5" for dimensions. Same size as our current large sticker.
  9. Mark LaFountain

    Four Icon 10" subs for sale

    he would put us out of business if he had anymore of these at this price. daumn
  10. Mark LaFountain

    2002 Toyota 4Runner

    Yup, that video is nuts, looks like the sub is trying to jump out of the box. nmssd12 sent me a box of lexan, great stuff. Thanks again for that btw
  11. To help promote our new sub line, we are giving way 2 SSA DCON subwoofers to 2 separate winners of our giveaway contest. The winner will get to pick which size they would like. (10" or 12") This contest will end on February 20th. Each entry will be assigned a number and thrown in a "hat". The winners will be the first two numbers drawn from that hat three times. Good luck to all contestants! Stipulations: 1.) Must all ready own a amplifier with output between 250w-400w @ 2/8 ohm mono. Must list what amplifier it is. 2.) Must have Stereo installation experience. List your experience. 3.) Must be an ACTIVE SSA MEMBER with >=75 posts. 4.) Must do a pictorial or build log of system with in two weeks of receiving subs... 5.) Must do a medium length review with a decent array of music, listing sample tracks. 6.) Will post review + build log(pictures) on multiple sites **post your info in this thread please for entry
  12. Mark LaFountain

    Thanks Trevor:p

    well we have some nice updated dust caps coming out any day now....so...you know....we'll need to redo those pictures
  13. Mark LaFountain

    a chick in the back seat of a Mustang

    No not a blow up doll. Here's a pic of my woman Well I meant it as a joke too jonecon...guess you missed that. lol. Great looking GF btw.
  14. Mark LaFountain

    Finally got a vid up!

    hold the camera still! Like watching the "blare witch project" all over again. lols
  15. Mark LaFountain


    Yes very excited for all the winners. Subs should ship out Tuesday or Wednesday of this coming week.
  16. Mark LaFountain

    putting up the projector today

    When the bulb exploded did is cause any other damage? I use a similar one maybe a year older than yours. I was incased in a bulb enclosure and didn't seem to hurt anything else. So far, I guess I was lucky in that regard.
  17. Mark LaFountain

    Amp For Fi SSD 15"

  18. Mark LaFountain

    q15 box idea

    that design looks perfect. I'd go with it.
  19. Mark LaFountain

    q15 box idea

    and then I fixed them again
  20. Mark LaFountain

    Four Icon 10" subs for sale

    All info is here: http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/products/icon.html Mounting depth: 6.500” this price is unheard of for these speakers, looks like some one is gearing up for the upcoming build!
  21. Mark LaFountain

    FI BL 15 enclosure build

    wish I had your skillz...great work as allways.....
  22. Mark LaFountain

    putting up the projector today

    The unit has a one year, the bulb has 30 day warranty. Can't say that I blame them, but you know... also there's a surge protector inwall that it's plugged into, and the vent doesn't directly blow on the projector. And yes it's filtered down the chain..
  23. Mark LaFountain

    Approaching 8,000 members!

    EST. 2002
  24. Mark LaFountain

    a chick in the back seat of a Mustang

    it sort of looks like jonecon2001's blow up doll. (I saw a pic of it once, don't ask...hehe)
  25. Mark LaFountain

    putting up the projector today

    well it was fun while it lasted. The bulb blew(actually exploded) today with only 594hrs of use on it. It was supposed to last up too 2000hrs. It was even mounted next to the AC vent which I thought would help it. Anyways, new bulb is $300, so it will be "out of order" for a while now.