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Mark LaFountain

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Everything posted by Mark LaFountain

  1. Ok, Ace3Xa, Acidburn, Johnecon2001 & myselft started this build today for Ace's S10 Blazer. Size: 8.4 ft^3 Port: 100sq" Tuned: 34hz Subs: (4) 12" ICON 12D2 Amp: Sundown SAZ-3000d Wire: Kicker Hyperflex 1/0 more to come Starting out with the box build. Another great build at Acidburns house. Great food as usuall for our dinner break. Tonight we did "Oregano's" Pizza, wow is that stuff good.
  2. Mark LaFountain

    Screen Install In Box

    gotcha looks nice. hope that sub doesn't wreck that screen to bad lol
  3. Mark LaFountain

    Second Skin USACI Event

    I love that last one, lol, was a great time, that show.
  4. Mark LaFountain

    Second Skin USACI Event

    Great turn out, and great meeting everyone from here, diyma and smd. Glad you all made it out!
  5. Mark LaFountain

    Fi T-shirt ascendant subs

    great video lol. I love it.
  6. Mark LaFountain

    Second Skin USACI Event

    Great! Looking forward to meeting you finally... you buying dinner this time
  7. Mark LaFountain

    Second Skin USACI Event

    roll call!? who's going??
  8. Mark LaFountain

    Happy 43rd bobonit!

  9. Mark LaFountain

    what is ssa?

    welcome to SSA!
  10. Mark LaFountain

    Sundown Reviews [Send them In!]

    We are working on the website and would really like some reviews for the site. Anyone who knows of any, or would like to comment on customer service or any product that sundown makes, please post info in this thread. Thanks for helping out!
  11. Mark LaFountain

    Team Stickers :)

    being made this week. Enjoy. Silver/RED for colors. $19 bucks shipped...
  12. anyone going to this? http://newenglandspl.com/modern_corporate_040.htm I'm in town for this and was thinking of showing up.
  13. Mark LaFountain

    Waterford CT, 9/27...tomorrow

    leave now! drive back tomorrow night, it will be fun... do it!
  14. Mark LaFountain

    Waterford CT, 9/27...tomorrow

    well I'm staying at my friends literally 1/2 mile away, so I'll deff show up, and as luck has it, I brought my truck for you guys to hear. Yes I know, I'm crazy, drove from AZ to NY then to CT. lol
  15. Mark LaFountain

    update on Alex(chops grandson)

    Get well soon!
  16. Mark LaFountain

    Jim Thiel 1947-2009

    Jim Thiel of THIEL Audio was one of the pioneers of American hi-fi, and one of its biggest names, ranking up there with Henry Kloss and Paul Klipsch. Jim co-founded THIEL in Lexington, KY in 1976, and was instrumental in the development of time and phase accurate designs with the use of sloped baffles, coaxial driver mounting, and phase coherent crossover networks. Continue reading Jim Thiel 1947-2009 View the full article
  17. post from CLZZ (TRP Vendor Section) http://www.classifiedzz.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=366 I got my order in for my two cars. Thought i'd share the love and offer this to everyone on behalf of TripleRperformance. We are having a good sale on some HID kits. I am wanting to do a mass order of at least 10 as the price for shipping will be much lower. Well the price for each kit will be $65, and shipping will be around $25 so $90 if we can get 10 orders placed. I can do single orders at $65 and $45 for shipping, so $110 for a single order. Kits can be ordered in H1/H3/H4/H6/H7/H8/H9/H10/H11/H13/9004/9005/9006/9007/880/881/D2/D1 and color levels of 3000K, 4300K, 6000K, 8000K, 10000K, 12000K, and 25000K. There are also some really off the wall colors available, Green, Yellow, Red, Purple(add $3 for these colors) A metal case can be used also for only $2. Motorcycle kits also available. PM me about them. All Inquires should be sent too user "TRP" Get your order in by Sunday and save on shipping.
  18. Mark LaFountain

    Fi X Series

  19. Mark LaFountain

    any shows in AZ?

    Ok, first off, it's a Korean Company, secondly it's built in the USA, and thirdly you are rude. Have a nice vacation.
  20. Mark LaFountain

    Second Skin USACI Event

    website updated with all new sponsors http://www.secondskinevent.com
  21. Mark LaFountain

    Jefferson Sales Rep From Stetsom Amps

    x2. If you'd like to sell your amps here, please contact the admin and possibly have SSA retail your product.
  22. Mark LaFountain

    Second Skin USACI Event

    this show should be a have a great turn out!
  23. Mark LaFountain

    Newbie From FL

    welcome the site!
  24. Mark LaFountain

    Introducing Supergauss

    he's a noob for sure