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Mark LaFountain

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Everything posted by Mark LaFountain

  1. Mark LaFountain

    order# 9856

    You were asked to initiate the claim, if you did not, that is your own fault. The claim is now initiated, UPS has contacted me already, this will be over in 10 days, happens once in a while, but it happens, nothing I can do about. Out of my hands once UPS takes the package.
  2. Mark LaFountain

    order# 9856

    I have spoke with you twice this week. Crescendo has spoken to you numerous times, telling me different versions then your telling us, you are clearly trying to play Crescendo against SSA to get a free amp, all because you hooked up a wet amp against your better judgement. Let UPS claims sort this out like I told you yesterday on the phone ("Dodging" you), and it will get resolved when they cut us a check, end of story. If you are sick of us because we have policies and don't just give $300 amps away, I am truly sorry, but to be honest, we are sick of your games, we don't need a customer like you. Sorry to be so harsh, but enough is enough, you try and act like this is our fault? UPS will take care of it, end of story.
  3. Mark LaFountain

    Ascendant Audio Photos

  4. Mark LaFountain

    Ascendant Audio Photos

    That ASS!
  5. Mark LaFountain

    EVIL Tahoe | Mark's SSA DEMO MACHINE **new pics p8**

    Dss ethosYup, I have a few of those kicking around
  6. Mark LaFountain

    EVIL Tahoe | Mark's SSA DEMO MACHINE **new pics p8**

    Yessir, can't wait to get these photographed and selling. Nice stuff here.
  7. Mark LaFountain

    EVIL Tahoe | Mark's SSA DEMO MACHINE **new pics p8**

    And just for fun, look what else I get to play with this week for photos. Loving my job right now.
  8. Mark LaFountain

    EVIL Tahoe | Mark's SSA DEMO MACHINE **new pics p8**

    Ok, guys, my 6 new Evils are here. The photo has my two spares in it on the far end. New FOAD Leads
  9. As of right now, we are about 8-10 weeks out from shipping these new DCONs. But for right now, we will proudly release the photos on these. Specs to come soon.... 10" DCON http://store.soundsolutionsaudio.com/products/dcon-10-sound-solutions-audio-10-400w-dcon-series-subwoofer.html 12" DCON http://store.soundsolutionsaudio.com/products/dcon-12-sound-solutions-audio-12-400w-dcon-series-subwoofer.html 15" DCON http://store.soundsolutionsaudio.com/products/dcon-15-sound-solutions-audio-15-400w-dcon-series-subwoofer.html
  10. Mark LaFountain

    St. Judes Show, Syracuse NY 6-29

    anyone planning on attending this show?
  11. St Judes 3x Event, held in Syracuse NY this coming Sunday! TNESPL Event. Come on come all, SSA will be there, come out and say hello.
  12. Mark LaFountain

    EVIL Tahoe | Mark's SSA DEMO MACHINE **new pics p8**

    Yah, things are about to get started on this, when the subs get here, i'll start building the wall, haven't built a wall in over 10 years, but should be like riding a bike right? lols
  13. Mark LaFountain

    EVIL Tahoe | Mark's SSA DEMO MACHINE **new pics p8**

    just in.. getting ready to wall this monster, my subs will be on the way this week. 6 15" Evils.
  14. Just arrived! 4 or 6 1/0 AWG output battery terminals by ToolMaker Metal Workz. $35 & $45 shipped in the US48!! http://store.soundsolutionsaudio.com/categories/electrical/fuse-holders-ring-terminals-heat-shrink-more/sound-solutions-audio.html
  15. Mark LaFountain

    PRV shipment just arrived.

    Our first shipment just arrived, if we sell out of this, our next order will be much larger. Same day shipping on what is listed so far. We will be adding the entire lineup, we will try and stock as much as our finances allow, if we don't have it in stock, it will be drop shipped from Miami, FL. http://store.soundsolutionsaudio.com/categories/speakers/prv-audio.html
  16. Mark LaFountain

    Mark's Lexus LS 460 AWD

    Also just put a new set of tires, and a set of R1 Concepts cross drilled rotors on here, did this over this past winter and forgot to update the thread so here it is.....
  17. Mark LaFountain

    Mark's Lexus LS 460 AWD

    Mirror Mounted Escort 9500iX install. Turned out great.
  18. Mark LaFountain

    Mark's Lexus LS 460 AWD

    Got it tinted yesterday. I also installed a XCON 12 in a sealed box, and crescendo 2k. I'll have to get photos of that shortly
  19. Mark LaFountain

    PRV shipment just arrived.

    build quality is awesome IMO.
  20. Mark LaFountain

    Please welcome PRV Audio to the SSA Forums and SSA Store

    welcome to the site!
  21. New Tshirt Alert! Simple, and Old School shirt Design. Free with the purchase of any SSA subwoofer from now until supplies run out! http://store.soundsolutionsaudio.com/categories/sub-woofers/soundsolutionsaudio.html Don't want to buy a sub just to get a free shirt? Not a problem, buy one out right for just $12.99 shipped in the US48! http://store.soundsolutionsaudio.com/categories/ssa-merchandise.html
  22. Mark LaFountain

    Now offering Text (ing) Support.

    Call or Text us! 443-345-1537 | We are always looking to blaze new trails in the car audio world. Today we are proud to annouce, we now offer texting support. Can't call us, busy at work? No problem! Text us!http://www.ssaudio.com/
  23. After much design time, 4000 posters printed, and the website layed out, Sundown is finally releasing photos / poster of their new model, Megan Pinckney. Megan is at Slamfest all weekend with the Sundown crew signing these new posters, if you are there, make sure to find their booth and tell them I sent you! She is Ms. South Carolina 2013. View her photos here: http://www.sundownaudio.com/
  24. Mark LaFountain

    Order #9305

    Ok, I texted the build house for you, hopefully this will push your order up the line for you. In the future, our phone number is posted at the top of the store.
  25. Mark LaFountain

    New Member in Utah

    welcome to the site!