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Mark LaFountain

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Everything posted by Mark LaFountain

  1. Mark LaFountain

    Foosball School Video

    This is a video made by a guy in my league. Very funny stuff.
  2. Mark LaFountain

    149db in the kick, door open

    I'm really excited about these enclosures if you can't tell. Great designs, great looks, and insane output for something that will come off the shelf.
  3. Mark LaFountain

    Foosball School Video

    0:01 into this video
  4. Mark LaFountain

    149db in the kick, door open

    incase you guys forgot what we are dealing with here...
  5. Mark LaFountain

    149db in the kick, door open

    Hell yes! I am awaiting my second one to return, I broke the motor on one, the heat in AZ makes these a bit tempermental I guess.
  6. Mark LaFountain

    149db in the kick, door open

    I don't know, only had them measured at the headrest, it was 146.7 I think @ 37 hz. Never had a meter to do extensive testing with. Headrest scores are much harder to get higher.
  7. Mark LaFountain

    149db in the kick, door open

    I threw the whole 4kw MTX amp I have at them too . Took it like a champ. Video is rendering.
  8. Mark LaFountain

    Ulrisa's Volvo S40 Build

    great looking box! That guy does great work. Glad you are happy with them, they are an awesome driver for sure. Can't wait for the video's.
  9. Mark LaFountain

    Foosball School Video

    Nice. We need to play sometime then. I'm not to shabby myself. Still learning, as we all are I suppose.
  10. Mark LaFountain

    Bravox Audio Group Buy

    Yes that a very good review.
  11. Mark LaFountain


    can't wait to see what yours does. Did I mention there's already 4 layers of SS damplifier pro on there?
  12. Mark LaFountain

    Video of my crew in action

    that looks like a great job. next step is Hollywood.
  13. Mark LaFountain

    Video of my crew in action

    Thanks Mark, your the best!! Did you see me in the video? your the dude in your sig I take it? Yah, that looks like a ton of fun.
  14. Mark LaFountain

    Hair trick questions...

    You might need more power for this... Just give it a try though, you never know.
  15. Mark LaFountain

    Video of my crew in action

    damn, that is awesome!
  16. Mark LaFountain

    Bravox Audio Group Buy

  17. Mark LaFountain

    Bravox Audio Group Buy

    I just can't decide what to buy for myself, once and a lifetime deal on this stuff right here. hmmmmmmmm I like the Home Audio towers they have...
  18. Mark LaFountain

    149.5 db @ 39hz.

    it moves my brain around in my head lol.
  19. Mark LaFountain

    The Official SPL-Labs SPL Meter Group Buy Thread

    No problem, the next video's will be corrected. At least you can see in detail what these are doing though.
  20. Mark LaFountain

    Bravox Audio Group Buy

    these prices are great!
  21. Mark LaFountain

    The Official SPL-Labs SPL Meter Group Buy Thread

    Cool, I was wondering about that...
  22. Mark LaFountain

    The Official SPL-Labs SPL Meter Group Buy Thread

    first video of the Meter. man I am loving this thing so far... many more to come..