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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/2018 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Thanks yo..... lotta hard work. As, i know, you know all about.... Welp, sorry to say, but,... i think we are done with competitive audio. Sadly, it seems like we somewhere, down these roads, we lost the pure "joy" of it. And that isn't good. We will always have some sorta audio in every rig we have, but,... not for the lanes, or anyone else anymore. It just isn't fun to us anymore, feels more like a "job",.. and when its not fun, its time to get out, and go back, to why you loved it in the first place. We will go to CES in January, in Las Vegas, and the rig will have a 4sale sign in it at the show, and after, till its gone. All good tho mate. All good..... Thanks to all that watched, and cheered on. If i met any of you, in the lanes over the last decade, it was my pleasure. 99% of why we even got into this, was the rad people/friends/family. Getting to a show, and being able to hang out, was the best.... Thanks to those that gave positive vibes,help, inspiration. It is appreciated. More than you know. KB