Not a bad question. And i can see what your saying. For me, and my experiances, its been a absolute joy. I love to compete. Take it kinda serious. 99 percent of my competition is just ourselves. There have been a guy/rig or two i was gunning for. But not from hate, but respect. If you know what i mean.
But dude,... im ALL about meeting and greeting. Competing takes a back seat for sure. The group i go or roll with, ... thats family. And then, the others, are great great friends. Have many come from out of state, or we go out of state(s) to meet and hang with them. The weeks leading up to the show, its about the rig, the drive up, or over, or whatever, its ALL about getting there to see the people. Our shows are normally a monster family. Everyone knows everyone. Maybe dont care for them, but no hate.
There has been a "issue" here and there. Frustration has came into play, ... some mouths ran, hell ive done it a few times. But never physical, personal, never un forgiving. Id have a audio rig if there was comps or not, but man... do i love to see everyone. Catch up, meet their families, kids and such. Sit under the tent , have a beer, laugh our asses off..... Man, your making me want to go right now lol.
I can see what your saying. And why you would wonder though. Ive seen some vids at a show or two there was yelling, shouting and fighting. But, ive never seen it. I love the north, west and south people gatherings. Ive never been further east than wyoming. 99.9 percent of the time, its hugs, fist bumps, and everyone roots everyone on. And everyone helps anyone in need.
I myself, look forward to them big time. I use my vacation/pto time to not miss them. Drive hours to get to them. Spend money on gas, hotel rooms. Whatever it takes. If you have had a bad experiance, that sucks man. But i wouldnt let it drag you down, or stop you at all.
I look forward to them for months. And a show, thats ran smooth, people have personal bests, or some silly shit happens, get to see a buddy thats states away ya keep in contact with, but dont see but 2 times a year or something,.... man.... it dont get much better for me.