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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/2014 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Lol somebody is tearing my azz up with some neg rep..
  2. 1 point
    We are proud to announce, for the first time ever, the DCON & GCON series are in stock and ready to ship. While supplies last. http://store.soundsolutionsaudio.com/categories/sub-woofers/soundsolutionsaudio.html
  3. 1 point
    http://www.caraudioclassifieds.org/forum/sundown-audio/166968-sundown-new-platform-spl-parts-production-started.html Originally posted back in March on CACO when I started testing. A better name for the new surround is "Standard Roll" as it certainly isn't just for SPL -- we'll likely start calling it that instead to avoid confusion Either way -- they are now fully in stock and can be ordered on new X, Z v.4, NS v.3, and TEAM drivers and also on re-cones for any of these drivers (TEAM already uses it's own spider; so those aren't compatible with the TEAM). -------------------- Hey guys, Some of you may remember -- or you may not remember -- that I have been planning SPL parts for the new "platform" all along. I have had them designed for some time but I had to get at least a somewhat solid footing with the "stock" models before going down this road as well -- after all; the stock woofers really show off the platforms ability to move like crazy and dig down deep into the low frequencies. That being said -- lets re-introduce the SPL parts. They can be used on the X, Z v.4, NS v.3, or any other driver built with our new frames. ----- 1) New heavy duty "stackable" SPL spiders... same material and similar geometry to the NS v.1 / v.2 spiders but available in all of the new larger sizes. There are several advantages to these for SPL applications. * They are lighter. The spider "packs" on stock woofers require more layers for a givens stiffness and the layers are all permanently adhered together over their entire surface area with a flexible adhesive. The extra spider material and the adhesive both have mass. * They are more consistent over time and temperature range in terms of their stiffness. The "packs" can change FS a bit based on heat or cold as the bonding adhesive will loosen up or stiffen based on temperature. * They tighten up more over stroke. This leads to the desirable climb in FS over stroke for SPL applications. It also gives a more "traditional" sound for those that may not like the ultra linear sound of the new drivers. * There is more adjust-ability as we can stack however many or however few you want. ----- 2) New cone bodies impregnated with more fiberglass for additional strength (minimal mass difference) combined with much smaller "high profile" surrounds. So they are a bit stronger; which all of the new cones are already geometrically very strong due to how deep they are anyway. The BIGGEST difference is that our massive surrounds are heavy -- they are the single heaviest part in our moving assembly. So these surrounds will shave off MMS to get your FS up. The secondary difference is that this profile is a little less linear -- it is based on the Z v.3 18" surround shape; this shape tightens more over stroke than a normal half-roll or even our "mega-roll" surrounds. In SPL this extra tightening helps raise FS over stroke. In our Terra the Z v.3 cone/surround was always MUCH louder than a half-roll due to this fact. As mentioned with the spiders... this surround will lend itself to a more "traditional" sound as well -- making the new platform drivers sound more like a Z v.3 or other driver in that class. These are obviously not capable of FULLY utilizing our new frames full capacity but using my conservative calculations they are good for anywhere from 3 to 3.5" p-p reliably depending on the size. They are still pretty big surrounds so they can work reliably with the big spider packs just not as dramatic as our "mega roll" surrounds. Z v.3 18" surround is 26mm x 25mm -- which most people are familiar with and it's a very capable design. New SPL 10" = 30mm x 28.85mm New SPL 12" = 33mm x 31.75mm New SPL 15" = 35mm x 33.5mm New SPL 18" = 35mm x 33.5mm The 15" and 18" offer the same surround size just like the "mega rolls" since they use the same spider size. ----- So basically we are going to shift the response upward in static T/S terms by reducing mass and increasing stiffness -- and also shift it upwards even further over stroke by using parts that tighten up more as they get moving. You can also choose to use the SPL Cone with standard spiders... or the SPL spiders with the standard "mega roll" cones as well. So many options! -------------------- ** 10 Inch SPL Roll vs. Mega-Roll ** 12 Inch SPL Roll vs. Mega-Roll ** 15 Inch SPL Roll vs. Mega-Roll ** 18 Inch SPL Roll vs. Mega-Roll ** "SPL" Spiders -- these are like extra large NS v.1/v.2 Spiders
  4. 1 point
    Built up an X-10 with the Standard Roll "SPL" style surround and did a quick video today. Fs is increased to ~46 Hz compared to ~28 Hz stock -- this is similar to the Z v.3 series 12s.
  5. 1 point
    Small box means less output, usually, don't you think ? Try it sealed, it will be cheaper first. If you don't like it, then you'll try something else.
  6. 1 point
    I have thoroughly enjoyed every moment with my Dcons (a year and a half now). Best budget subs I've ever owned. Every person to sit in my car always asks the same question.... Just what are you running back there??!! Noone ever believes it's only 300 watts worth of bass that they're hearing. Dcons get LOUD on low wattage, perfect for someone wanting to add some quality bass without breaking the bank. Great to hear they're in stock now.... I waited a couple of months for mine. But it was well worth it!
  7. 1 point
    Where?Dss ethro thread lol
  8. 1 point
    trim panels wrapped in suede and test fitting them in the car. turned out pretty nice. just have to make one more to finish covering up the wiring
  9. 1 point
    got the ns1 wired up but im still trying to decide on placement and i need to get a permanent amp rack put together
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    they were a pain in the ass to get in but i got the subs mounted up and wired
  12. 1 point
    Looks good is that 4/0 welding
  13. 1 point
    So sweet! The wait was the only negative about SSA subs
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    You been on this forum long enough to know their is no such thing as underpowering a subwoofer and stuffing a subwoofer in a pre-fab box even if its a custom box for another sub is a no go. Every thread you make is ridiculous and you give the least bit of information, like you tell the newcomers when they start a thread please read the rules before making a topic. You need to follow that same advice that you dish out. If thats all you can get at the moment and you wanna go for it then do it as it is your money and install. If you want optimal results then stick witt the recommended info on SSA's site for the Icon enclosures. Yes it will work, how good it will work is subjective so as long as you like it. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/topic/13994-attention-noobs/
  18. 1 point
    the Icon is more of an SQ sub.....personally I would not tune it any higher than 33hz I have had a 12" Icon on 500w rms in a buddies truck and it moved good... took a while to break in but IMO the Icon is one of the nicest sounding subs on the market
  19. 1 point
    Dayton HO would work ported Sealed almost any 12 designed for it on the site should be fine.
  20. 1 point
  21. 0 points
  22. 0 points
  23. -1 points
    To bad a USA manufacturer can't build some.
  24. -1 points
    Failed need this removed!
  25. -2 points
    Lol really? You guys gave me some negative rep for joking about getting a deal....