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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/2014 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Here is my Cruze playing Downtown, with my trunk going crazy.
  2. 2 points
    Maybe this will clear things up for the funky pup. 1 watt to a funky pup is like 10000000 watts to a DD Z. These are Chuck Norris’s choice, not for bass, but to replace the engines in all his WalkerTexasRangerMobile’s… 1 funky pup = 500 horses, 2 funky pups = 1500 horses, 3 funky pups = time travel. There was never an atomic bomb, there was 4 funky pups in a .25″ particle board sealed box. They stopped making funky pups because the warehouse they were stored was quickly shifting the earth’s magnetic field. As a result, most of the world’s funky pups are now stored in a secret underground warehouse below Santa Claus’s Elf sweatshop. Its not certain what exactly makes the funky pup’s so much better than everything that ever existed, but it is absolutely certain – THESE ARE THE BEST W00FERS EVER MADE BY MAN OR SPACE MONKEY!
  3. 1 point
    There are plenty of other ways to spend money to give you an edge. Way more effective. Attacking the sonic space is the best method. That isn't cheap though either. I have a few engineers working for me that basically just do acoustic and damping optimization on car bodies all day.
  4. 1 point
    SETH I just searched for a quote from you so that you would see this! So I took my mothers 2.5 2003 Nissan Altima (100k miles) in because it was idling rough and would "chug" while driving. They had it for 3 days and could not get it to replicate the problem. I said fine forget it as my Mom had already bought a new car and she was just going to cut her losses and she was going to sell it. I couldn't pick it up that day and the next day I get a call that they tried to back it out of the garage and it "blew up" it made a loud sound and now it won't start. They said that the 3rd cylinder had low pressure and they didn't want to dig any deeper without permission. They said that it may have "jumped the timing chain" and that it could be an easy fix or that "the engine might need to be replaced". This car has been meticulously maintained by these idiots but I just have a hard time believing that this engine is truly done. Is there anything that you can suggest without having your hands on it? This place seems to be incompetent but they are not trying to charge to fix anything so I do not know what to make of the situation. If you can suggest anything I'd appreciate it. We are basically looking for the best way to get rid of it financially. Basically if it were your car and you couldn't work on it yourself what would you do? We had an offer of $750 for it but it has $500 dollars worth of brand new rubber on it, and the kbb value is about 4.5k in poor condition. Should we attempt to repair and sell it, or should we just sell it as a "mechanics special"? If we try to sell it what should we expect? I completely understand if you can't give a definitive answer, I'm just looking for a ballpark. I'd get the issue looked into by a competent mechanic before selling it. It is doubtful that it is a mechanical issue, by the sounds of things. On a Nissan I would be more inclined to believe an injector failure. Odds are they tried throwing coils and plugs on it and it didn't work. Nissans are notorious for injector issues. I agree with Seth that is more likely something non mechanical, like an injector or bad sensor somewhere sending faulty signals to the ECM. Lazy mechanics don't want anything to do with electrical gremlins. I have repaired and sold many electric gremlin cars that I got for free. Have you retrieved any code's from the ECM? Try resetting the ECM and see if it has any effect. When an ECM is reset it will run in limp (default) mode for X amount of mile's (usaully around 50mi) until the ECM has collected enough data to recalibrate. To reset the ECM disconnect the battery cables and hold the cable ends together. This will discharge any power stored in the ECM and clear all collected data. Make sure to retrieve any codes before discharging. Some code's are false in the sense that they point you in the right direction, but not always the actual sensor.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    ^this! I know a guy with 4 ns-1's for sale :)
  7. 1 point
    The goal of every super sub builder is to eclipse the current king, the Funky Pup. None may get there, but we still keep trying. -Dan Wiggins Damn, that quote is outdated enough now the newbs probably don't know who he is either.....LOL
  8. 1 point
    http://web.archive.org/web/20030416091951/http://nexxon.com/funkypup/funkypup.htm For the newbs
  9. 1 point
    Alton that's ok you don't have to be part of IAK to still be part of the family... See the way I look at it we are part of a bigger family and it's SSA.....
  10. -1 points