Maybe this will clear things up for the funky pup. 1 watt to a funky pup is like 10000000 watts to a DD Z. These are Chuck Norris’s choice, not for bass, but to replace the engines in all his WalkerTexasRangerMobile’s… 1 funky pup = 500 horses, 2 funky pups = 1500 horses, 3 funky pups = time travel. There was never an atomic bomb, there was 4 funky pups in a .25″ particle board sealed box. They stopped making funky pups because the warehouse they were stored was quickly shifting the earth’s magnetic field. As a result, most of the world’s funky pups are now stored in a secret underground warehouse below Santa Claus’s Elf sweatshop. Its not certain what exactly makes the funky pup’s so much better than everything that ever existed, but it is absolutely certain – THESE ARE THE BEST W00FERS EVER MADE BY MAN OR SPACE MONKEY!