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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2014 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    some of you may know i have had a new car for a while now.. and i just started working on it, i would like to share some of my updates with you so far, 2 runs of 0 gauge + 2 runs of - 1 orbit cell under hood 4 D31T batteries Pioneer FH-P8000BT 2 neo pro 8's 2 Bohlender Graebener Neo-3 1 sundown 100.4 1 sundown 4500d 2 nightshade V1 D1 chrome baskets, OG. but i have these sold this week and im picking up a pair of the ns V2's and this list will grown this is just a starter list more pics to come,
  2. 1 point
    Exactly. If you challenge them, then you're %100 wrong. This whole thread is dancing in circles. The tools used to do these tests are published. It's not like they're hiding... If you're so worried about certain things, go fucking look them up. Also, it wasn't just a "clamp test" But lets only focus on one aspect of this whole damn thing. God forbid we open our eyes wider This shit reminds me about the argument over linear vs progressive spiders. Shit was completely ridiculous. You guys focus on one little aspect.
  3. 1 point
    im glad you like to misconceive everything that is written and argue so much. its a perfect example of being closed minded. there is more than one way to skin a cat. seems as you would rather be condescending upon people than anything else. thanks again for proving my point for me. I hope you are not the hero for anyone on this forum as it would simply be self condescending upon themselves.
  4. 1 point
    Its funny that if I wanted to I could get the same measuring equipment that zenon uses for just over 10k including two 400 amp power supplies directly from the same company they got theirs from. my point was he uses several fluke and ue meters all which are 1% tolerance by manufacture stipulations. and incase you don't know both ue and fluke are the same company both of which are owned by matco tools. Im not here to argue but as I stated before I believe tfade is just getting an idea of the power and has never claimed itt was or is an exact measurement of the output of the amplifier. His testing methods are consistant and he has plenty of amperage and voltage to back up any amp. I believe everyone is forgetint the fact that he has stated many times its not exact and is meant for just an idea of power.
  5. 1 point
    Being a business in this market I'm curious.. I don't think you guys make amps but let's say you did. You spend a shit ton having it properly tested and this guy goes telling everyone it does xx and spreads it like wild fire. Would you question his methods then? Im with you there but on the flipside, why go through the trouble of multiple people questioning the method with no input on what would be the proper pieces to use. it would be the same as going to the optometrist and him telling you your glasses are wrong but not giving you the information of why it is wrong and how to fix your glasses.
  6. 1 point
    Instead of talking about how inaccurate tfades test equipment is lets think about telling him what you might think he needs to have more accurate testing. There has been no talk of this equipment and or better equipment. I can bet I can go to korea with an amp in hand and go to all the manufacturers and put the same amp on their testing equipment and get slightly different results. I believe tfade is using the best that he can get his hands on and being as fair as he can. We all know its not perfect or 100% accurate but it gives an idea and that is his intent. All the bashing isn't going to help him be better. If you guys have the knowledge of better testing equipment then tell him instead of just going on and on about how his equipment isn't up to par.
  7. 1 point
    Going through I don't think they meant you were bashing the company/nick but others. I don't see how they're being sarcastic. Impious, tirefryr and shizzzon were trying to explain. M5 was the only one being sarcastic and was only doing it because tenacious is annoying and ignorant. I don't understand why you guys don't listen to these guys... Zero tact and constantly talking in circles rather than being direct. Discredits whatever they see fit without truly explaining why everyone else should discredit. They act as though they're %100 right, but fail to fully disclose why they are correct and someone else is incorrect. They scream tolerances and calibrations yet never give any real numbers. They never ask what the given tools tolerances are and if they have been calibrated or when the last time they were calibrated. Just because you have technical training behind you and some real world exercise, doesn't mean you have the right to discredit everyone else. It's easy to sit behind a computer and seem all so intelligent. There's a common factor of why a lot of people don't like this forum.
  8. 1 point
    Yeap, I have no idea what's going on. I'm completely clueless. By no means have I been bashing or soiling Nick or IA's rep. I have no reason to that. Maybe you guys forget what they've done for me. I haven't. No one has answered my questions yet but I knew that would happen. It's always a dick measuring contest. Who can be the better sarcastic prick! Soup sandwich.
  9. 1 point
    More useless information and talking in circles. Had there been no validity to the test, I doubt Nick would have responded in person on facebook and CACO. At the same time, it shows Nick truly cares about his product wants to further investigate it. Had this test been complete bull shit, would he have bothered with it? I don't think so. So there's good and bad coming from this test.
  10. 1 point
    Since everything was done wrong even though none of claim to have read the review, please enlighten us as to what he did wrong? .9 volts is not going to net you another 2k+ Like I said, I'll wait for the retest.
  11. 1 point
    It wasn't just a "clamp test" There was a "clamp test" done. Taylor has a new scope on the way and will retest. There's very few people whom I would trust in the car audio world, but Taylor is one of them. I've seen his amp test setup. It's not a red neck garage. Hopefully the retest will reveal some better results. The NS-1 didn't do so well either, but it's also designed as a high voltage amp.
  12. 1 point
    Here, use one of these turbos. lol....
  13. 1 point
    oh a sweet mark very nice. what color,. thanks guys. i just got most everything installed ups fucked me on my 4500D remote gain.... so i gotta wait for that. im ordering new subs from sundown this week. and these tweeters are very nice!
  14. -1 points
    Um.. i just read the whole thread as of 2:46pm EST and i see nothing wrong with the amp.. The amps "blew" because of human error. The testing wasn't done at RATED voltage. Lower scores = human error\ sub malfunctions. Wait until the people providing you with information has facts. Also, owner of IA would not release something like this if it were bad. IA is a lot bigger than you can imagine.
  15. -1 points
    I posted my comments to this already, alot of this is blown out of proportion. I find humor that someone can do a test and yet everyone on the net thinks that we all of a sudden we make a horrible product. Look at the post and read the comments, the test in my mind isn't valid. But the amps still makes between 7300-8600 watts depending on how you view the results.
  16. -1 points
    Morons will be morons. And that includes anyone that puts ANY merit into a "clamp" test.
  17. -1 points
    Objectivity is out the window with most car audio... People who don't understand what is actually going on perpetuate all this BS.
  18. -1 points
    Not even clicking the link because it doesn't matter what it says.....a clamp test is meaningless. The rest of it...meh. Just because you read it on the internet doesn't make it true. As 95Honda correctly stated, majority of the internet car audio crowd doesn't understand objectivity. They do one thing, assume it's a foolproof method of comparison when it was flawed from the start, and then the rest of the sheep hop on the bandwagon with them. Having access to equipment that produces numbers (clamp meters, SPL meters, etc) only makes things worse because the assumption is there that if they post numbers, those numbers must be valid. Which couldn't be more wrong.
  19. -1 points
    It makes me feel old to pull the "back in my day" line.....but it wasn't that long ago $1/watt was reasonable and $.50/watt was a pretty darn good deal. Now you have all of these internet rebadger a selling amps for pennies and suddenly $.28/watt is expensive. Well sure all of the other guys stuff are cheaper when they're ordering amps like it's a Chinese takeout menu......order an OEM buildhouse board, make a couple small changes and throw their label on the heatsink.
  20. -1 points
    Testing not done in accordance with manufacturer specification, un-calibrated cheap test equipment, questionable load (I couldn't see it)... I have never tested any IA equipment so I cannot comment on their quality. What I can comment on is a meaningless test. This is the problem with the mobile audio world...
  21. -1 points
    Also, please don't take my views as a simple bash on the guy doing the test. I am only basing my opinion on experience. I just finished up a 2 year tenure here: www.afotec.af.mil I was a suitability evaluator. Basically, I evaluated electronic systems for the military. I used extensive amounts of test equipment and completed objective test reports on military space assets, in other words, I know what I am doing. This is why I have a tough time with a lot of "car audio" tests...
  22. -1 points
    But, but, but, it didn't do rated. It has to be flawed.... But but but.. the owner said he will retest because all testing prior to marketing is correct and will retest.. However once he said that.. many people started bashing the "potential" for his other products to be flawed, etc.. I only trust the owner and\or companies who do this for a living. If one person can be trusted to "fail" an amp publicly, then all companies might as well shut their businesses down because you know what they say.. The customer is always right... So professional testing must be pointless.. We don't care about getting close We, as a business community, care about doing it right. Why would a business rely on a customer's test as the official ruling of their products potential. That is the dumbest thing i've seen this year so far and that's pretty damn bad. But keep supporting the "close testing". We'll support professional test results. I'm fairly sure you can consider Taylor's tests "professional." Your average consumer doesn't have a bank of fixed resistance and all of the equipment to properly test amplifiers like he does,He doesn't have the equipment to PROPERLY test amplifiers. That's the problem.
  23. -1 points
    you are still missing the point..... You keeping siding with his testing as being accurate. Let me ask you a simple question. Why would you trust a person in this hobby who loves it as much as anyone else to perform a test on an amp, and regardless of the results, believe the results over what the manufacturer is about to present?
  24. -1 points
    Blind leading the blind.His equipment isn't calibrated.....so how do you know it's only off .01V That's one of the points....you don't. I don't. He doesn't. Therefore we can't call the test accurate. Because we don't know. And that's just one of the many reasons.
  25. -1 points
    Finally, someone with some sense. Or two people without sense, just depends at how you look at the glass.