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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/28/2013 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Just like the title says...placed my first order with the ssa store just now. I went ahead and ordered the 2 sets of incriminator 6.5s i needed. cant wait to get them installed! Woot Woot!!
  2. 1 point
    thanks for your business, we do appreciate it!
  3. 1 point
    My rundown of SSA sub that I have owned or played with. DCON GCON XCON EVIL All are some of the best subs I have ever owned and I have been into audio since 1987.
  4. 0 points
    Yours wasn't 20 years old when you owned it.
  5. 0 points
    Funny because I lived in one for three years. Put on around 200k in Marks
  6. 0 points
    My memory of that car must be of a higher plateau than it actually is.
  7. 0 points
    So I drove my mom's Exploder tonight to move another snow blower home and realized, my 20-year-old Lincoln is a piece of shit. Time for a new car. It's funny how you can have a "nice" car and not realize how shitty it actually is.
  8. 0 points
    I generally do not use a shoulder strap, just a hand strap but for walking around places I love the BR.
  9. 0 points
    I didn't buy the one that wraps around your shoulder since it wasn't comfortable; however, I am going to have my wife add that strap just a bit different as the rotation is annoying.
  10. 0 points
    What strap do you recommend? I am going to watch some videos and see how they work.
  11. 0 points
    SLR's are big, but you use them because they are. P&S's stay in your backpack or whatever the hell and all the right moments are missed. Nothing improved my photography more than forcing myself to have a camera with in easy reach all the time. And hand strap mixed with a black rapid strap rocks btw.
  12. 0 points
    I think some of the cheep P&S POSes are worth buying. #1 you can call it disposable, and if you ruin, wreck, or loose it, it's way cheeper than a new phone. At least my phone.... #2 they are capable of taking better pictures than a cell phone. Not a lot, but kind of. #3 if you care about pulling it out and being ready to shoot, most are faster than your cell phone. I also see the value, or maybe not value but beauty and charm, of something like the Leica M9. Maybe if I had a large bankroll and wanted to focus on street photography, especially of strangers, it would be worth saving for. But I am really happy carrying around my big old DSLR and a huge lens. I take pics of people I know, so I don't mind being a bit more conspicuous.
  13. 0 points
    shoes from a horses ass made for a king
  14. 0 points
  15. 0 points
  16. -1 points
    shopping for subs by the look is the silliest thing i see people do... you can not say a sub is the same as another because the back plate or the basket looks the same. i had no clue they had components .. i have only seen there subs... they are very proud of them.... as you can see by the price, they do ok ... i have seen plenty of them fail... i have also seen some winners....
  17. -1 points
    not shady but, some people do enjoy them.. every one i know tried them and quickly moved on... hints why i never pulled that trigger i had my chance, but ill tell you this.. i had one question... how will it perform in a small encloser on low tuning.... and i was told in person " we dont know we have never tried it, it may play great it may not" lol shows me that they never even cared to model the subs .. or send them off to be correctly put thru the ropes ..... another air pump company.
  18. -1 points
    No one can disagree with this. Quentin did his research and jumped into the scene prepared without a doubt!
  19. -1 points
    People just can't understand black and white anymore. They need to hear something in person which is understandable. I was at that point in life at one time. Next year will be a different ball game. When I roll up to the 4 or 5 major shows next year with my 90 foot rig and my little demo vehicle and have the select few team DSS vehicles on hand people will be able to see a $300 sub put in work.
  20. -1 points
    So when someone acts like an idiot and someone says, "you are acting like an idiot" it is the person who calls out the idiot that is at fault? Do realize you are the owner of a business and typing something that is permanently logged. EVERYTHING you type you will be judged by. If your skin isn't thick enough to take both constructive and destructive criticism and just adapt perhaps owning a business isn't your thing. And btw, I am not affiliated with the forum at all. There is one thing that sets this place apart in the car audio world and that is bullshit doesn't fly. Obviously the remark hit home since you changed. You could have left it at that.
  21. -1 points
    this stuff still happens
  22. -1 points
    I wish I could help more. I like Sony for cheep P&S if you don't want to learn about photography.Usually look sexy and have some cool practical benefits. My first digital cam was a Sony 3.xx megapixel camera that I bough forever ago and it took better pictures than a lot of newer ones that I've used. I'll probably buy a Sony to replace this POS. Im selling my a55.. I'd call that a P&S I wouldn't call it a P&S, but it is definitely small enough to be considered one. it has the features of a full sized DSLR, but is nice and compact and takes excellent pictures IMO for the price. Umm, he wants P&S and to shoot a baby. Your camera does both. Don't read ANYTHING else into my statement True B-)
  23. -1 points
    I really want to try a black rapid strap.
  24. -1 points
    I am looking for a monster sub. either FI audio or Ascendant audio. I know they are in the same family but they make great subs. I am chasing a great sounding sub that can still achieve good numbers on the meter. My choices are the Mayhem or the SP4 What do you think about these subs based on my goals? Please only those that have experience with each.
  25. -1 points
    Due the last thread having serious loading issues and bogging down the server, we started this continuation of the original. Carry on....