i dont think anyone is trying to hurt your feelings, but what your doing is kinda like showing up to the dallas cowboys office and telling them,..... " i watch football all the time, and my chick hates it and shes ready to leave me, because all i wear are jerseys and i talk about foot ball all the time,...... so im gonna need to be on the team.... i did play pewee football when i was child, and like i said i watch it all the time on tv/ youtube, i have alot of time invested in watching... so im gonna need you to put me on the payroll and give me a spot on the bench, and tell mike im going to be a starter" dude, you have to be doing somthing already to be picked up by a team, its just like football, how do scouts pick? 1 by seeing what they are doing..... what are your scores? 2 by watching them do what they do on the field, how much knowledge do you have,. 3 what can you do for them.............. well what can you do ? this is gonna be rude, dont be an asshole. do you really think your ready to be picked up by a team? do you think you have what it takes, do you think that you can offer the kind of exposure a company needs, do you have the knowledge to properly inform people of the product you run? is your install impressive? would you invest in your self? cause really thats what it comes down to, your an investment. cost over value, i get hot, because i get asked this by people all the time at car shows... they want product but they cant afforded it, and they have no fucking clue how to install it, or how to properly use it, they just feel as if they some how deserve it,. im going to stop now. i did not even want to reply to this topic, but it was eating at me,