Yea but not for 30 seconds! User just has a window of 30seconds to post their best score... On a meter, 2-3 full seconds is PLENTY to get maximum pressure reading. When running a lot more power than recommended, the shorter the better.. but that's trial and error to figure out yourself. There are only 2 things a user needs to control when burping- Mechanical movement and Thermal environment. Thermal is easy, do a burp, should be fine as long as it's 2-3 seconds only (let cool down after the burp) Mechanical- do not let the sub bottom out, do not let it leave the gap, if your motor doesn't have a pole vent, you may blow your dustcap off(if this happens, replace dustcap and drill small holes in it next time) I know you probably haven't heard about hardly any of this.. welcome to competing,