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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/08/2011 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVdMySWfAIQ&hd=1 Fat ass, dumb ass, Pruis driving cunt. STFU
  2. 1 point
    As a internet business it is hard to sell people(most people) on paying for shipping, that why most companies will offer a higher price for product, but will have free shipping listed everywhere on the page. It makes the customer feel like they are receiving something for free. And also the mental aspect of knowing what the price is, not seeing how much it will go up because of shipping. It is a very fine line, and tough game to play sometimes. But i truly believe that customer service will almost always trump price, within reason.
  3. 1 point
    Assuming the volume and temp stay constant then the pressure stays the same, if the sphere compresses then the pressure would go up.
  4. 1 point
    To be fair, it's not all on Thilo. While I would have preferred clearer communication, his family got hosed on this ordeal as well. They brought some people on towards the end that made a big push to take the company in a different direction. In hindsight, it would seem that these last ditch efforts pursued by those 11th hour hires really ended up being the nail in the coffin for TC Sounds as it once was. I don't believe Thilo knowingly took advantage of me. Desperate times call for desperate measures and ultimately, we all make mistakes. But on a more positive note, I am quite simply overjoyed by the outpouring of love in this post. Thank you guys, so much! Demin, my god man, I might need you to speak at my wedding or something (not that I have a wedding planned). My experience here has all been incredibly worthwhile; even with the turmoil, the successes of SoundSplinter have outweighed any failure. This community is just amazingly kickass. =] It'll be slow going to begin with, as I work through the licensing and infrastructure build out while perfecting my methods, but here's a li'l sneak peak at what I'm working on: http://www.liberale.com While it isn't audio related, I think it's something that a lot of us can get down with! Keep it real my friends. Do what you do and remember, the time is always right to do what's right!
  5. 1 point
    Iraggi and tejcurrent were also "one-man" alt companies like Mechman and Signer, and they were "the shit" for about two years, until they started putting out shit product and then disappeared from the scene leaving hundreds of angry customers. Not saying this will be the case with Mechman and Singer, but anyone paying big bucks to a one-man company is taking a huge risk. DC Power isn't going anywhere, from what I hear they have big contracts from military customers and the like. So you have a local alt guy who makes brackets? Good for you! Want a cookie?
  6. 1 point
    no thats just retard code bitch ill buy that mother fucking amp CASH TODAY and you can change your fucking screen name to WHAT EVER ELSE YOU THINK YOU MAY HAVE SOME DAY.
  7. 1 point
    I emailed you back.. We have recones and stuff we can build for them, we've never had anybody blow a 15 yet so haven't had a need to recode the website. Ill try to do that this week if possible.
  8. -1 points
    Now I see why you are opposed to "bashing" in threads as you are too lazy to bother to make a good one or search yourself. Geometry hasn't changed for years. Of course curves can mean many things so its pretty hard to respond. Tons of tricks, but some specifics would help. Try it both ways. Best way to really determine. If you want to know more of why, perhaps explain what you want to achieve, what you have for space, where it goes, etc. etc etc. As for its own chamber. Pros and cons. Again, don't know which would apply to you, but if I have to make an assumption on what you've given us its that you can't do geometry very well so with what you've given us I'd say put them in the same chamber. if your gonna be a douche just dont post on my threads...k...thx... and try it both ways ?? what do you mean by both ways....port on bottom and then try it on top ?? im not gonna build a box... then rebuild it just to find out it sounds the same.... i want to hit atleast 150db.....how do i measure the space i have ?? as you can tell the top of the car is wider than the bottom cause of the struts...
  9. -1 points
    And rude too, pretty damn disrespectful to not follow the rules you agreed to when you joined the site. And of course, in those rules all of the information needed is defined. *if you are lazy, turn on sigs, there are links in mine lol i bet most of the people that joined this site didnt read the rules... like really grow up LOL if you needed/wanted info just ask for it... dont have to be a dick about it...
  10. -1 points
    im disrespectful ?? LOL i ask some questions and you make a dick post... i never once called you names... and ya im not getting help huh thats why everyone else in this topic is trying to help me LOL....like i said if you dont have anything good to post just dont post .... its really not that hard..
  11. -1 points
    im honestly not good with geometry so thats why i asked....duh.. What are you good at? And I never told you to do the geometry, but perhaps to describe your challenge so we could help. I have an idea. Why don't you NOT post until you read the threads in my link and think very thoroughly about what you are trying to ask. Then write your post. Re-read it 3+ times, make sure its clear, ask your friends to read it and see if they understand every detail and THEN press "Add Reply". I am sure your answers will come easy then. im just gonna ignore you... your annoying lol
  12. -1 points
    how much you pay for each amp ? 1 million dollars. your cool...
  13. -1 points
  14. -1 points
    I am curious what made you decide to go with the DC amps? Cuz DC makes da biggest deebeez EVAR! and forum boners.