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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/2011 in Posts
3 pointsok wish I would of seen this a bit sooner but here is my take on this! those who OWN ZCONS raise your hand! The zcon is by far the biggest output driver I have experienced while still keeping its CLARITY! I have 2 18" Zcons and did a 156.7 at 27hz in a street box of 6k! Edub to slam on LANCE about a DB score is not even what this is about! your opinion is your opinion but how can you have one with a sub you have no experience with? the sub doesnt have an official release date so why would they be concerned on releasing T/S? Also before you get into what subs have you heard and compared to blah blah blah! I have been to multiple comps and heard vehicles that do 60+ and 55+ on music! Some were able to keep there clarity but not many! The ZCON is going to be EPIC when it is released and if my van wasnt so damn loud and the cops knew my van then I would have up more vids! IMO wait for the ZCON if you can afford it and afford the power it wants because these are BEASTS of SUBS! MARK AND AARON both trusted in me as a person to ABUSE and USE this sub and I did just that! I set my personal best with a 56 below 30hz As well as did a NOOB mistake and hooked up one coil and gave it about 6k for a week straight and this sub took the ABUSE! MARK AND AARON: you guys have taken very good care of me and because of it you have a driving, walking, talking BILLBOARD and ADVERTISEMENT! you also have a dedicated LOYAL customer FOR LIFE! SSA FTW FTR SSA IS KING SHIZZZZZZZZZZ
1 pointTo start: Alpine INA-W900BT w/ Imprint add on Front Stage: Bravox 6.5 carbon fiber component set (can't remember model #) SAX 100.4D Sub Stage: DD 9515g dual 0.5 ohm Box: (3) 4'' aeros, 4.1 net cuft @ 36 Hz SAZ 2500D Electrical: KnuKoncepts wiring Tiny battery upfront Stock alt Big three Deka Intimidator G31 in the back Stinger Battery Isolator (high current relay)
1 point
1 pointOld wives tale. The only important thing is to keep RCAs away from noisy areas in the car. But having the power & RCA wires run next to each other doesn't matter. Run it where ever you want.
1 pointCone, surround, dustcap, voice coil, spiders. I think that's it Just to give you an idea:
1 pointPeople ask me this alot... the short answer is that they make the speaker better. The long answer can be shown on some graphs. This graph shows inductance over excursion for a basic motor design. The center is at rest, left is rear stroke, and right is forward stroke. Why is the graph shaped this way ? Have you ever looked at inductors for a crossover ? You can get a high value in a small package with an iron core. So... what is a speaker motor ? A partially iron core inductor! As the coil moves back it gets more iron in the core! So the inductance rises. As it moves forward it gets more air in the core so it drops. Pretty cool, huh ? Now... the field can be absorbed by a conductive material in or around the coil -- so shorting rings come into play. One approach, which we use on the SA series and NS v.2 series, is a pole cap shorting ring -- note how it reduces forward inductance and at rest inductance. But not much in the way of rearward... Well the NS v.2 and Z v.2 both have a large magnet ID ring -- notice the huge effect on rearward inductance and at-rest inductance ? As a note... the SA will also have this ring shortly too. Now... having BOTH rings like the NS v.2 has now and the SA will have soon... huge effect across the board! Not only is the inductance more linear but it is much much lower. Why is this good ? 1) More power delivery to the coil as inductance causes "rise" 2) Less distortion -- inductive distortion is odd order and unpleasant; although a fairly small part of total distortion. 3) More high-end extension as inductance is a 6dB per octave low-pass crossover. 4) These rings also act as heat-sinks; although this effect is not a large reason to use them in and of itself. Can a speaker sound good without them ? Sure! Many great sounding speakers don't use them and they are pretty expensive too so don't always represent a good price to performance ratio. I do not plan to use magnet ID rings on lines less expensive than the SA series, for example, as the ring represents such a high % of the total cost of the speaker at that point (large chunk of aluminum, copper, or brass). But they do have benefits and I figured some of you might like to know what those are.
1 pointNow, to get back on track. Now installed: -Stinger 200 amp battery isolator -Stinger Red Volt meter (back battery drops to about 13.5V) Fixed: -Rubber mounted amp -Back seats now latch into their stock locations -"False rear deck" back into its stock location -Trimmed ports 1'' so they are a little further away from the back wall
1 pointgreat! I will start uploading lots more and putting next to each song what it's peak range is so you guys can get what fits your install!
1 pointHere are some more pics of the kicks. Dang I think I should have took more pics, Hope you all enjoy. These next couple of pictures are fitment pics in the kick location to make sure they will fit before I glass them some more. No its not facing downward. Kicks with LOTS more sanding and glassin done to them.
1 pointThank You Denim, so is the new zcon going to be more towards SQ or SPL...or both High out put daily listening. whooaaa i like what i hear haha, hmmm very interesting any estamated dates?
1 point8 super tweeters? Have you researched/picked out your hearing aids yet?
1 point
1 pointGood times. Like Aaron, I've had my hands on both the Audio Technix product and Damplifier/Damplifier Pro. The adhesives are VERY different. The widely thrown around assertion that AT and Damplifier are the same comes from some cherry picked results published by the owner of AT purporting to show very similar performance. There's no way to know what any of this really means since he chose not to release the full report. Nothing on when and where he got the sample of Damplifier, etc. Testing a competitor's product introduces all sorts of variables - intentional or not. "Results" like these should be rejected and not accepted as proof of anything. The ethics behind this move are troubling to me. This is the same guy who tore chunks of adhesive off of some RAAMmat BXT II, posted photos and said he wouldn't trust it in his car. There are reasons manufacturers test each others products and there are reasons they don't make the results public. Understand that the claim that they are the same thing is contradicted by the evidence presented to support the claim. One is a 40 mil product, the other 60 mils. If the published results are correct, the proper claim would be that the two products performed similarly in the test. The fact that it took different thicknesses to achieve that level of performance is absolute proof that they aren't the same. A point that gets missed on all of the excitement is that it is possible to create a vibration damper that performs well in the short term only. With Second Skin, you know it is a product that has been in use for years, under every imaginable condition and has stood the test of time. It may be tempting to believe that this is going to be true for every product and the only difference is the markup each vendor applies to their product. I promise you this isn't true. Manufacturing a reliable product costs a lot more. The point of this tirade is that "they are the same" is being actively promoted by AT and repeated by people who aren't willing or interested enough to look at the proposition fairly. Go to the Web site. The Meta title is: "Sound Deadener Better Than Dynamat". This is demonstrably false by every relevant metric. Look at the company forums and ask yourself if Second Skin would allow the kind of statements that AT allows about Second Skin to be made on a Second Skin forum about AT. I'd be shocked. A poster on one of the AT forums stated that AT was better than SDS CLD Tiles by a long shot. Did the owner come back with something like: "They're both good products intended to be used differently" or anything like that? Of course not. His response was: "I'm going to make this a sticky!". I obviously prefer my product, but I wouldn't hesitate to use products from Second Skin, Dynamic Control or Cascade. All very good products. All sold by companies that are secure enough in the quality of what they are selling and familiar enough with how they should be used to conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner.
1 pointUpdate: -Power wire is in -extra battery wired up -no big three (yet) (has anyone ever fused the run from the + on the alternator to the + on the battery?) -amp needs to be remounted so my back seats can fold up (I need tips on how to isolate amp from vibration while mounting amplifiers to subwoofer enclosures! THANKS!!) -trim plate finished -need to retune Imprint once i get my back seats to close -146.3 db @ 44Hz outlaw; metered with my SPL Labs meter Picsssssss Videos (iphone video.. quality isn't the best)
1 pointLooks good. I got rid of mine months ago since i needed something bigger. One of my buddies still has his
1 pointYea, well I was gonna do a single 12 with a slot port, but the box was big for that too. Turned out I could run a 15 with aero ports in a box not much bigger, but we'll see how long I keep this for. I might be disappointed with how the car handles and accelerates with the extra weight.. It should pound in a hatch no doubt. I bet two SA-10 would be great for an RSX; light, small box and pound. I had two 12" L7 in mine. With my buddies in the car the acceleration was meh ok at best. I am sure you know this. Your box will probably affect acceleration atleast imo. Is that a big deal to you? Put a clubrsx header and clubrsx intake on it and a k-pro and you will be happy Let us know how things go! I already have injen mega ram intake, crsx header, and greddy ti-c cat back.. I need kpro now...
1 pointOk captain douche bag, like you can't comprehend what he's trying to say?Not that its well put or anything. wow PHI didnt know you were a captain! and you are now officially a female cleaning product! CAPTAIN FEMALE CLEANING PRODUCT = PHI I'm actualy tired of reading the "this sub ~vs~ that sub" threads that are posted on this site. People listen and listen good, it depends a lot on the installation!!!!!!!! Stick any sub in a cardboard box and it'll sound like shit. Put any sub with an inferior power application, it'll sound like shit....... For the love of God! Do some research or testing before you post up a question or opinion! A little work goes a long way when making a statement regarding any equipment. Such things need to be included such as, what type of ride, what type of enclosure, power supply, ect....... Square ~vs~ round......? Here's a good question, which would fly farther if thrown with two hands? (I don't care if this cost me a few rep points, just had to get this out there!!! sorry)