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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/25/2010 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    ..and that's what happens when you put infinite baffle woofers in a box...
  2. 1 point
    keep the wa-mart up front and put the yellow top in back with the amp!
  3. 1 point
    I wouldn't use the same box unless you changed the ports. Just some quick calculations its tuned close to 40hz.
  4. 1 point
    The funny thing to me is I'm lookin for those kind of numbers in a similar situation. I've only got a single 12" right now and I'm getting ready to test it out hard core to the max and see if I can come close to hitting a 145. I'm gettin clamped and metered again soon so I will make sure to take vids. If I double the cone area and power and come close to a 150 then why not?? It's very similar to what I'm lookin for. To say he didn't do it when he's the one with proof is shitty to me. He has the equipment and power to do it so it's questionable. To flame and say he should be banned for stupidity is not so. That is a discreditation to the site if you ask me.
  5. -1 points
    I made a video of candy shop last nite with the top 2 subs, left one is blown but still going, bottom 2 are seazed: coil on top plate... so I disconnected them from the amps. Got all four blue lights, amps are OK. "put on" 148.2 LP set to 31.5Hz, HP set to 20Hz... only wanted the low note. clipping is terrible, not bad for needing 2 more HO alts and 4 more batteries! 132.5 15Hz 136.7 17Hz 140.3 18Hz 142.5 19Hz 143.8 20Hz 144.9 21Hz 145.7 22Hz Terrible clipping, not as bad from 23Hz on up, but 15Hz-22Hz was massive clipping. So now I need 2 more HO alts and 4 more batteries. 4 Fi IB3 18's, 50 cubic feet, 20" diameter port 18" long for a 23Hz tune (more like 55 cubic feet 20Hz tune, but I'll do impedance sweeps later to get exact) 147.7 23Hz hair trick unintentional My resonant frequancy appeared to be 43Hz and 63Hz, according to the Tem Lab operator...but I think that was just harmonics he was going by. We never got to make a sweep, I wonder if I could get in the 50's up high where it gets real loud.