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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/2009 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    yes im willing to lose the spare but i might have to fiberglass the bottom because it have a hump right in the middle of the trunk, if four 12's can fit im pretty sure three 15's can fit back there the amps will hopefully be on a amp rack and the batteries will be on each side. but the only thing that i really been thinking about is will it be better to go three sealed 15's with about 1200-1500 watts on each or two ported 15's with 2300-2700 watts. Which will give me a better output?
  2. 1 point
    there is a gap that the former sits in and the sub rides up and down like a... nvm Anyways, in a daily sub, this gap is large to accept the tolerances of abuse and most importantly the range of frequencies that the sub must accept at any given time making the movement not as linear as u think it is. In competition, there is usually only 1 note played at a time. Because of this, the gap is smaller to concentrate more force to the sub itself. With a single note being played, the movement is far more linear. Even if competing, choose daily if u wish to use it for musical playback. I may have thrown some terminology around but i got the idea out there anyways.
  3. 0 points
    I like #1, should be on: banners, stickers and t-shirts in my opinion.
  4. -1 points
    comes down to budget, personally i would do the Death Row, it's more a ported driver than the Fi Q, the Q was designed for sealed apps, ofcourse it will work ported but i think for 2 12s ported the death row would be a better choice.
  5. -1 points
    i always try and run a minimum of twice the rated power to all my subs but u gotta make sure that u don't reach the thermal or mechanical threshold while doing so. More power requires smaller boxes and less to no clipping.
  6. -1 points
    You tried to eat it? lmao sorry incredible!!! i actually laughed at this for about 3 hours...1 hour to in my room, tearing up from laughter, and the other 2 hours quietly to myself.