The 2 saz amps are ok. Everything is playing in the car. The car owner changed the speaker cable, now he uses phone cable (pure cooper) and notices real improvments in the sound quality. The sub receives about 1700 watts of power!!! with the 2 amps linked. I sat in the car for a listen : it's insane, the bass is so heavy!!! Lot of pressure!!!! He noticed that the sound of the bass is clear, he told me he feels the low notes much much more than with his older amplifier. One more positive note : his electrical system suffers much less, he plays at 14.1-14.4 v. On heavy bass notes, it never goes too low like with his old system. He finally decided to get rid of his 2 caps !!! about 16 pounds less in the back !!! Today, the weather is sunny, I think we will take some pictures to post here soon. SSA subs + Sundown amps = Fantastic combos !!!!!!!