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Sub Setup for BIB's

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Got my dayton plate amp in so I started building the box today. This is the sub setup for my 4.5" BIB's that will be in my dorm. The box will be black, with the black sub and black plate amp, so I have nicknamed it Stealth.


Got to start every bo build with this^^^ Actually some of the dimensions are wrong :P

Driver: Mach 5 MAW-10 (Sadly a discontinued driver)


Amp: Dayton 240W Plate amp (Will be running 150W @ 8ohms)


And The Build....


Dry Fit...



First time to use the new Jasper Jig


Travis (aka - TMAX98) drawing up the center.


Jasper Jig = Perfection


Glued, Finish nailed and Clamped


More pics to come tonight. I have already put on 2 coats of Shelac and one coat of black paint. It won't be the prettiest but it will hardly ever be seen. And sorry Sean, no double baffle

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*Late Night Update*

The Box on the "painting stool"


Maybe this explains it better. I also have the ability to rotate the box, which is pretty cool


After the first coat. It really doesn't look this bad in person


Second coat. Looking better but I might have to do something else. I'm thinking trim on the edges of the box stained like the BIB's



Thats it for tonight. Tomorrow its time to add the woofer and the amp and test it out :)

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There's always that sanding sealer that Matt & Ramos have recommended...(Deft?) Might help with the edges...but veneer would look sharp too :)

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I was under the impression that Shelac and Deft were the same thing but maybe not. I'll have to look into veneer as well

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Well I got everything installed and started listening and I'm very disappointed. First I tried listening to it on my parents home theater. But the little Bose sub (or whatever it is) was over powering it. Took it into my room and hooked it up to my old school panasonic boom box/stereo (with subwoofer out) and it seemed it was working better, but even with the gains up a little over 3/4 and the volume nearly maxed out you could hear it better but you couldn't even feel it. Lets just say the bass it was putting out wasn't overwhelming the crappy 3" w/ tweet mains on the stereo.

So far I don't know what to say, maybe it will get a better signal from my preamp when I hook it up with the BIB's. Or maybe the 150W @ 8 ohms won't be enough and I'm going to have to find a sub I can run at 4 ohms...

I don't think its possible to have anything wired wrong, but I guess I'll throw it out there. The speaker wires come from the amp directly to the inside of the box and I have it in series @ 8 ohms....

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Did you try diffrent positions in the room ? Corners worked best for me when I had the rl-i sealed in 1 cube.

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Did you try diffrent positions in the room ? Corners worked best for me when I had the rl-i sealed in 1 cube.

x2. Also try flipping the phase 180 degrees.

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Found out what was wrong :P Receiver has a subwoofer input level. Turned it up and got more volume.

Also took my laptop and connected it directly to the amp, ran some test tones and gained the amp up to audible/visual clipping.

In the dorm the sub will be in a corner so that should help and the room is much smaller so I think it will be enough.... We shall see.

I will say now that it is what I expected for a 10" on 150W

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Here she is in the final form for now. Box is rough looking. The dark spots are my sweat from carrying it inside.


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Looks good, glad you got it figured out.

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Bringing this back from the dead but that is what I like to do after I've had a lot of listening time.

The MAW is great. I run it around 3/8 gains to keep the it blended with the BIB's (and the BIB's are not shabby at ALL on bass extension). You can pump up the gain to 3/4 (any more and the Dayton likes to clip) and play Stereo Gear Shift test tone and start shaking the light fixtures at certain tones. I think blending was the most important. Two little and the BIB's did all the work and too much and you can really localize it and it sticks out. I really need to get some good tracks and listen to it some more.

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Good to hear. I know people are sad the MAW's we discontinued.

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