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Ok so i'm going to need RCAs eventually and i'm not keen on paying out the ass for them.

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I remember jimj had some ends that were not good at all, built well but impossible to solder on.

The ones that came with Knukonceptz Karma series cables.

What's weird is that the Krystal series connectors are a lot easier to work with.

Unless you're coming up with custom end combos (TRS on one end, RCA on the other, that sort of thing), it's hard to come out on top economically building your own cables. By the time you've bought good connectors, you're over the price of what you'd be paying for a good preassembled cable. The only way to compete with that kind of economy of scale is if Dave, Ramos, you & I all chipped in for a massive order of connectors and we just used that if any of us needed cables.

Which actually isn't a bad idea...

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Looks like i'll just spend the $$ on knukonceptz then, at least i don't need long runs :-D

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I did mess up a quite a bit, i didnt take the necessary precautions i was suppose to when using gold connectors, and i used too much solder.

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I got some new wire the other day,

Found a pretty sick deal on wire(RCA cable). I ordered mine last friday as an impulse buy, it came in today. Looks fine to me. Plenty skinny and flexible. Only thing I dont like is it doesnt have a wire going down the shield like a foil shield would have, just personal preference, this braid should do a better job shielding than the foil would. The actual conductor looks about a 24 gauge. Color doesnt matter to me I end up dressing mine in Techflex anyway so its whatever.


Check out the sellers other items, he always has good chit going on.

pics of the wire I took:



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