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04' Civic components

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Having Alpines since my first system, I wanted to try something new. I went with Hybrid Audio Technologies Clarus line opting with the 6 1/2" over the 5 1/4" after reading the review Car Audio Mag gave the 5 1/4".

These drivers were a lot deeper then the type-r's I replaced them with. Here's the comparison in size.



After adding another layer of deadener on top of my pre-existing Damplifier Pro I was ready to go. The install required the mid hole in the door to be cut a little larger to satisfy these beasts. Using the speaker ring as a template I made my marks and used a jigsaw to cut it. Using the template once again I made my baffles out of 3/4" mdf. I originally used oak, as the manual suggested, because its less prone to moisture, but it was more difficult to work with. I put deadener around the baffle which will help repel water anyway.


After running wires and mounting the crossovers, I used 1/4" peg board to cover the large openings in my doors to create and "sealed" enclosure for the mids. I custom fitted the board around wires and such. Also deadened the inside of the board before screwing it into the panel. Then I added more deadener around the board to make sure it was sealed 100%.



The door skin on the Civics are shallow, so some plastic needed to be removed. I used a dremel, it worked well and was accurate.


Since the type-r tweets were a bit larger then the C1's, the tweeter had to sit perfectly on the door panel so gaps would not be seen. I taped the tweeter in the position it needed to be, using painters tape to secure it. From the other side I used Silicone II around the rim. As you can see I also taped the back of the tweet to protect it from the silicone.




The finish product...



I want to say thanks to Scott at Hybrid Audio Technologies for the best customer service I have ever had. Also thanks to fbi90909 for giving me ideas along the way.

Any questions, feel free to ask.



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looks good man

how do they sound?

I only had maybe 2 hours listening time on them so far. Scott said give them around 20 hours for there full potential.

But so far they sound unbelievable, I listened to an array of music from classical to rock and they all sound amazing. Very clear, sound is definitely more centered and good mid bass. I have them crossed at 60Hz right now, maybe change it after they break in. The tweeters sound crazy. Clarus has amazing sound at reasonable price.

P.S. Reference: Bowers and Wilkins 704's with high end Rotel receivers and processors.

Edited by sick6ness

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Very nice.

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looks like it turned out well, good job man. :)

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That's quite awesome. What deadener did you end up going with?

I went over SS Damp Pro with eDeadv1se, pretty solid product for the price.

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