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New icon..bit worried

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So about a month ago I received my new icon. And a recone for my old icon. I plan on going from a single 12 to  2 12s in the process of building an enclosure. Anyhow.. so I did the recone. Dropped it in the Box ran it for about a week to break it in. And it sounds fantastic.. Heaven ran it hard yet. Probably never fed it more than 700 clean unclipped Watts (if that) anyhow it sounds great. So I pulled it out and dropped in the new icon. Breaking it in just like the recone. Sounded great then yesterday I started noticing a "slight" buzzing/scratching sound at a certain bass note at high and low volumes. A specific song would come on, and would have that bass note and I could hear it every time it hit.  As well as a few other songs. I hope I'm just trippin and maybe I just had a wire rattling loose or something. It just sounded an awful lot like the coil rubbing. But I would think I would hear it if I move the cone in and out by hand....but it does not make any sound when i do..Either way I had to pull out that single box cuz I'm trying to fit a new box in there so I really wont to know until I get the box up and going and get both subs hooked up.. any thoughts?

Edited by My63rag

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Have you tried to free air it to see if you can get a closer look where the sound is coming from?

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It could be tinsel slap, I had it bad on my 15" Icon last year after both of my felt pads came unglued. Pull it out of the box and see if the felt pads are releasing from the cone.

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Had an annoying sound on my dcon on certain freq , turned out the felt pad was becoming loose, I glued it on back properly and all was fine, this was a new dcon, it wasnt the tinsle, it was the felt pad partailly removed and flapping on the cone.

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