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How well do these work? I was looking for a way to clean up the wires a little and allow moving the amp in and out a little easier.

Was just worried about how well they stay put or if they come loose easily?

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you can't reduce 1/0 to 1/0. 

are you referring to a 1/0 to 1/0 coupler/joiner? If so they work great just make sure you wrap them in tape or heat shrink to insulate them. 

I have used these in the past, they served the purpose.




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I use the solid copper ones on my welding cable with no problems. Like posted earlier, cover them up nice and neat. 

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So if I'm looking at that link correctly you are putting 1/0 awg into the set screw side and the other end goes into your amplifier? 

If so i wouldn't recommend those because if you simple stripe the wire back you get more contact area and less chance of something shorting across those connectors.

If you plan to use those be sure to heat shrink around the entire connector because if something conductive shorts across those terminals that isn't good.

Personally I wouldn't waste my money on those just stripe the wire neat and insert! :)



notice in the above picture, I didn't use those connectors I just stripped my wire nice and close. 

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