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Baltimore Riots

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Now they are saying he tested positive for Weed and Heroin...  Going to turn into a mess...  Mix that in with any medical conditions and you have a recipe for disaster...

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I dont care if a dude was just walking down the street and the police kill him for not a single reason. It doesn't mean people act retarted and try to destroy a city. Just shows how stupid everyone is

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The rioters after the games are just as bad. A lot of people made that a big deal, but mainstream media doesn't look at it that way.

It's a big deal to everybody because they are ignorant. They make it a race matter.

At the end of the day a guy is dead because of something that happened in police custody. Nobody knows what happened, but someone F'd up... To make it a race matter is asinine, 2X as many white people have died while involved with police...

Oh yeah, and how do you end up in police custody anyway??? Everyone forgets about that part...

I'm here to play the devil's advocate and correct cnn's blatant disregard for the whole picture, yes blacks account for only half as many deaths by police than whites. But when you take into perspective that whites account for 63 % of the population vs blacks at a lowly 12%. So doing the math 1 in 160869 people were black vs 1 in 495000 were white. Now I've rounded down so these aren't exactly on point but you get the General idea.

What does population percentage have to do with incarceration percentage? Cite the wrong stat much? You could also probably type cast the ones who have trouble in that situation by the crime they did too, but don't look at pertinent stats.

Either way, the problem at hand is two things that both should be repaired. There is no reason to treat anyone poorly. EVER. I don't care what they did or whatever, just treatment is a right in this country.

The other is the idiocy that leads to rioting. Those dipshits should be jailed/fined hard as that is completely unacceptable.

I think he is trying to say that the percentage of white people are arrested in higher numbers because there are far more in the country to be arrested, but per say 10,000 people of each race, there are more black people arrested.

There is no reason to treat people poorly but again, there are always people who think they are above the law and can get away with things because they wear a badge.

I don't know why, but when a serious riot starts, police tend to back off and only arrest a fraction of the people involved, instead of taking the "shoot now, ask questions later" approach that has been storming the media lately.

Let me explain cnn posted a statistic about the number of whites killed vs blacks, just doing the math is what I was doing.

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All 6 officers charged with some form of crime ...  the driver of the van charged with 2nd degree murder ..

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I am just blocks away and pass those spots on the news every morning on my way into the office.


See anything suspicious in the last few days ?



No, I just drove around it.

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Well I think all this is sad and a waste of tax payers money...but thats me

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Will there be more rioting if any of the 6 people get their charges dropped?

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Of course there will be riots...  There will peaceful protests, too...   But in the end, only the idiots causing all the damage will be the ones on TV...


Both groups are morons...

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Rioting or peacefully protesting JUST to get on T.V. is a complete waste of time ... some people will just do anything for what they think will make them famous.  Pathetic ..

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Now the Lieutenant that was charged threatened to kill himself ... court documents surfaced that showed he has restraining orders placed against him, and that he has his guns confiscated by the PD because he was having mental issues ..  (and they let this guy retain a badge and weapons) ... absolutely asinine .. IMO

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9 more people were shot and killed over the weekend in Baltimore...  Where are the riots now???

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9 more people were shot and killed over the weekend in Baltimore...  Where are the riots now???[/quote

Shot by the cops?]

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9 more people were shot and killed over the weekend in Baltimore...  Where are the riots now???[/quote

Shot by the cops?]

No, cops were not shot or did any shooting in the incidents in Baltimore that are in the media 

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Yesterday, there was a "protest" on the major highway ramps into the city, over the proposal for a new juvenile jail.  People were stuck for hours.  None of the "protestors" were arrested.  Many of the main hospitals were effected.  Hearing stories of ambulances, doctors, nurses stuck because of the local Rev. "Al Sharpton" is trying to get attention. 


Nothing says you're close to Jesus like a 5k suit and a Bentley.

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It just kills me.  Everyone's lives matters.  But this weekend 100% innocent children were shot...  That is who we should be protesting about first, criminals are way further down on the list...


I lived in DC from 98'-00'...  It seemed like Baltimore was constantly in the news...  First month I was there, there was a gang initiation shooting at the Baltimore Zoo, they killed random people...

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Side note, violent crime has shot up since the riots because everyone knows the police were told to stand down, despite all the officials denying it.

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Good to know. More reason to try and avoid stopping in the area on my way through.


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