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Well I have this crazy idea that I am thinking of, it may be dumb but Towers? Crescendo's? I am no longer going for SQ, well some SQ, just want some future shop Towers maybe, nothing crazy. Opinions?


Good, didn't realize the timing of my comments.

Generically speaking fiberglass resin weakens an MDF box. Obviously with mat that probably isn't the case, but just so you know.

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Random but I picked up a new Dewalt from Home D-pot


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Starting up the 1 and half hp ryobi. easily gets the job done. 50 bucks at home depot.




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Well I have this crazy idea that I am thinking of, it may be dumb but Towers? Crescendo's?

If you mean PWX's then TERRIBLE idea. No application I've EVER seen has been good for those.

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Well I have this crazy idea that I am thinking of, it may be dumb but Towers? Crescendo's?

If you mean PWX's then TERRIBLE idea. No application I've EVER seen has been good for those.


What would be better, I know i am going to have to get into crossovers and such, dont have much experience working with crossovers.

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this is as far as I've gotten, show more progress tomorrow. Flush mount


Edited by Jeshack314

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Well I have this crazy idea that I am thinking of, it may be dumb but Towers? Crescendo's?

If you mean PWX's then TERRIBLE idea. No application I've EVER seen has been good for those.
What would be better, I know i am going to have to get into crossovers and such, dont have much experience working with crossovers.
Pretty much anything. Those have nearly no place in any install ever. Also SUPER hard to make sound good (ie, crossovers aren't trivial).

First thing you need to do before looking at any separates is to determine how you'd cross them over.

And no, you "can't" use a car crossover at home.

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I wouldn't think about using car audio crossovers, I am gonna look around on parts express, maybe some dayton audio mids or something, do you think it would be better if i let two mids share the same cabinet space? plus the tweet? i am going to order the second sa-8 soon. Also should I re-title this thread since the old one no longer applies? Thanks Also I am currently running a JBL Reciever with some yamaha towers, once I finish these I will no longer use them oviously, but I plan I buying a Crown amp again I can look into the hardware crossovers meant for Crowns.

Edited by Jeshack314

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All speakers need a cabinet designed for them. Ported in the 30Hz range will do nothing for mids. The baffle will also create all sorts of problems in the midrange.

If you are looking to build your first set of speakers and crossovers you should really start with a well reviewed design that is on the web. Something from PE, Zaph, Jon Marsh etc, etc. Everything else you propose will be a waste of money.

The exception can be if you do this all active, but that has a learning curve as well that doesn't come quickly.

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OK well I will do some research I guess. Do you think its worth going off what i have? using this 8 and cabinet if it sounds good. If not I will just use at a sub with my yamaha's

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I wouldn't put a random sub in a box.

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The box I am posting up is for an sa-8 v2 d4. This is why I was trying to change the title because I am no longer using the E-12 D2. So it is not a random sub in a box..

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body filling the seams tomorrow. ordered some gold spikes for the bottom, plus a terminal and speaker grill assembly kit with white cloth.


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Наконец он долгожданный отпуск! Который я ждал целых полгода наступил. Ура!

Просидев у компьютера выходные, я все-таки нашел для себя подходящую путевку.

Это был почти шаровый тур на 1-го (девушкой я не обзавелся пока) в Турцию на 12 дней.

"Юху!" - подумал я, предвкушая отдых. И побежал паковаться!

Закинул в дорожную сумку все только самое необходимое: ванные принадлежности, пару труселей, маек и шорты.

На следующий день забрал билеты у туроператора и помчал в аэропорт.

Свою сумку в багаж сдавать не стал - мало весит, да и возится с получением не хотел.

Прошел паспортный контроль, и подошел на личный досмотр.

Меня попросили поставить сумку и личные вещи на ленту сканера. Что я и сделал.

Далее произшло то, что повергло всех окружающих в ужас.

Во время соприкосновения с лентой, заработал жутко-жужжащий предмет в моем ручном багаже.

Охрана тут же отсторонила всех окружающих, меня схватили и свели руки за спиной. Толпа начала паниковать и частично разбегаться.

Время как-будто остановилось и все замерли в ожидании неизбежного. А сумка медленно ползла к сканеру по закрытому чехлом конвееру.

Когда она таки добралась туда, все с облегчением вздохнули и меня отпустили, извиняясь. Кто-то даже громко рассмеялся.


Это была всего лишь электрическая зубная щетка.

Весь свой отпуск я провел без проблем и на обратном пути я решил ее оставить в отеле, мало ли))

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