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- Welcome to SoundSplinter's Online Forum -

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First off, I'd like to express my most sincere thanks to denim and mrray13 for their support and assistance in getting this forum setup! The SSAudio community has shown itself to be friendly and informative, and I believe, the perfect home for SoundSplinter's online forum. sun.gif

That being said, allow me to tell you a little bit about myself.

Name's Mike and I've always been a huge fan of music, both as a happy listener as well as a performer for my own personal enjoyment. I grew up on many years of formal keyboard/piano instruction but have since moved towards teaching myself the guitar as I have fallen in love with its portability and versatility. Having such a close connection with music, it mustn't be much of a surprise that I have quite the discerning ear for great sound. wink2.gif

Being a friend and near relative to the managers over at TC Sounds, I realized that they had some absolutely phenomenal products, but that they weren't readily available to the general public save through a few of the larger audio companies who chose not to openly admit that TC Sounds is their original equipment manufacturer. I also noted that many of these companies were charging some very high rates for their products, in large part due to their name's popularity. nonono.gif

So it's come about that I now offer a true TC2+ driver (the RL-i Series) as well as the beefier TC9 driver with upgraded suspension alongside modified parts (the RL-p Series), and most recently our TC3HP-modified Supreme Series being the first driver ever to feature Linear Motor Technology, all at extremely competitive rates. I am confident that these SoundSplinter drivers will truly deliver an aural experience to anyone exposed. They are made in the USA using high quality parts and the upmost care is taken in order to ensure that each driver is in working order and free from defects before being shipped to you.

This forum is designed with the intent to provide people with a place to share their experiences with our products as well as discuss potential future products/applications, concerns, or anything that one may wish to discuss with respect to our company and its products. I will make a strong effort to be present on these boards, but if you need to get ahold of me urgently please contact me directly through our online form. I will personally respond to all inquiries we receive through our site as quickly as is possible.

mrray13 will be helping me out here on the forums, as I can see that he has much love for this community in addition to experience with many SoundSplinter products. Feel free to stop by as often as you'd like, as I will periodically be offering special coupons to the members of SSAudio in appreciation for you all listenin' to me ramble on as such... tongue2.gif

Looking forward to providing many of you with some truly awesome drivers! Remember that I look forward to your feedback, as it's really the only way for me to gauge which direction(s) to take SoundSplinter.. so please feel free to post away for enclosure rec's, sales Q's, distribution, ideas for expansion, or even just to shoot the chit!

Cheers! beer.gif


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First off, I'd like to express my most sincere thanks to denim and mrray13 for their support and assistance in getting this forum setup!

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Thanks for quoting that whole thing, Kent ... :D

Welcome to the board - I think you'll find the quality of members here higher than at most other message boards.

- Steve :)

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Another great member to SSA, welcome aboard Mike!! Glad to have you here.

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Awsome! Glad to see you here!

This place just keeps getting better and better.....

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Welcome to the board mike, glad to see the Soundsplinter name being spread around.

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hey mike and mrray13. i'll be flippin between this forum and caraudio.com's but i cant wait to get my hands on those rl-p's. later

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I have to agree....

I've wasted two years of my life visiting caraudio.com....

Now it's a place of newbies and unintellectual chatter.

I'll have to frequent this forum more often.

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