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Everything posted by TechSys

  1. TechSys


    Iraggi Alternators H.O. alternators Excessive Amperage Those are the main ones that I know of.
  2. This is where a secondary battery (or more) comes in handy. My alternator does 180 at 900rpm and about 95 at idle, car idles at 500rpm when warmed up. Just a quick tap on the pedal and no worries with dimming.
  3. TechSys

    Good Stuff, Amp Arrived

    I've got the 1500D and love it. So far I've blown an audiobahn (dub1200) and MSX ProMax12, and haven't even turned the amp up...yet.
  4. TechSys

    TechSys 1989 Chevy Astro

    Pictures of the van, not just for audio since the van is being built for other purposes also.