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Everything posted by Crich03

  1. Man I thought we got rid of Flozell Adams Smh

  2. What I hate about college football:"Alabama looked impressive, but Michigan wasn't really a number 8 ranked team" ESPN Analyst Jesse Palmer.So all that hype during this game and Alabama wasn't really playing the 8th ranked team in the nation??? Why were they ranked at number 8 then??? Alabama should be ranked number 1 next week btw.

  3. You mad at breakfast nigga???

  4. NFL needs the real refs back this is awful.

  5. WHAT A GAME!!! I love the Little League World Series!!!

  6. "Fun" run here I come!

  7. Uh oh Ryan Mallett is making the eagles starters look like 3rd stringers.

  8. Stuff keeps breaking in my car! smh #bassheadproblems

  9. With the Olympics starting all I can say is 'MERICA!!!

  10. What happened to accepting people's differences? Why is it that now you're public enemy number one for having a difference of opinion? I thought that is what made this country great? It's IMPOSSIBLE to make everyone happy about every issue!!! I'm done ranting now.

  11. I hate being sick!!!

  12. Black Dynamite is killing me!!! LMAO TOO FUNNY!!!

  13. Dark Knight Rises was DOPE!!!


  15. My own personal Breaking Bad marathon!!!#Netflix

  16. The Wood!!! This my movie!!!

  17. ROAD HOUSE!!!

  18. Walking Dead Marathon FTW!!!

  19. Spiderman in 3D in 1 hour!


    1. OuTLaWeD


      dude, i jusr realized you live in Alamoghetto! i lived there for 5yrs! it wasn't too bad back in 00'-05', but i went back out there a couple years back and it sucked! i use to live on Birdie Ct. the house thats straight ahead. nice area out there still though, but the rest of the town got rough

  21. Thunder Buddies for life!!!
